Saturday, January 14, 2012

FREE BEES - 2011




Monday, September 26, 2011

Must Watch .. before die

Petra (9 B.C. - 40 A.D.), Jordan
On the edge of the Arabian Desert, Petra was the glittering capital of the
Nabataean empire of King Aretas IV (9 B.C. to 40 A.D.). Masters of water
technology, the Nabataeans provided their city with great tunnel constructions
and water chambers. A theater, modelled on Greek-Roman prototypes, had space
for an audience of 4,000. Today, the Palace Tombs of Petra, with the 42-meter-
high Hellenistic temple facade on the El-Deir Monastery, are impressive
examples of Middle Eastern culture.
Machu Picchu (1460-1470), Peru
In the 15th century, the Incan Emperor Pachacútec built a city in the clouds on
the mountain known as Machu Picchu ("old mountain"). This extraordinary
settlement lies halfway up the Andes Plateau, deep in the Amazon jungle and
above the Urubamba River. It was probably abandoned by the Incas because of a
smallpox outbreak and, after the Spanish defeated the Incan Empire, the city
remained 'lost' for over three centuries. It was rediscovered by Hiram Bingham in 1911.
The Taj Mahal (1630 A.D.) Agra, India
This immense mausoleum was built on the orders of Shah Jahan, the fifth Muslim
Mogul emperor, to honor the memory of his beloved late wife. Built out of white
marble and standing in formally laid-out walled gardens, the Taj Mahal is
regarded as the most perfect jewel of Muslim art in India. The emperor was
consequently jailed and, it is said, could then only see the Taj Mahal out of
his small cell window.
The Great Wall of China (220 B.C and 1368 - 1644 A.D.) China
The Great Wall of China was built to link existing fortifications into a united
defense system and better keep invading Mongol tribes out of China. It is
the largest man-made monument ever to have been built and it is disputed
that it is the only one visible from space. Many thousands of people must
have given their lives to build this colossal construction.
The Roman Colosseum (70 - 82 A.D.) Rome, Italy
This great amphitheater in the centre of Rome was built to give favors to successful
legionnaires and to celebrate the glory of the Roman Empire. Its design concept still stands to this very day, and virtually
every modern sports stadium some 2,000 years later still bears the irresistible imprint of the
Colosseum's original design. Today, through films and history books, we are even more
aware of the cruel fights and games that took place in this arena, all
for the joy of the spectators.
Christ Redeemer (1931) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
This statue of Jesus stands some 38 meters tall, atop the Corcovado mountain
overlooking Rio de Janeiro. Designed by Brazilian Heitor da Silva Costa and
created by French sculptor Paul Landowski, it is one of the world’s
best-known monuments. The statue took five years to construct and was
inaugurated on October 12, 1931. It has become a symbol of the city and of
the warmth of the Brazilian people, who receive visitors with open arms.
The Pyramid at Chichen Itza (before 800 A.D.) Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
Chichén Itzá, the most famous Mayan temple city, served as the political and
economic center of the Mayan civilization. Its various structures - the pyramid
of Kukulkan, the Temple of Chac Mool, the Hall of the Thousand Pillars, and the
Playing Field of the Prisoners – can still be seen today and are demonstrative
of an extraordinary commitment to architectural space and composition. The
pyramid itself was the last, and arguably the greatest, of all Mayan temples.
The Acropolis of Athens (450 - 330 B.C.) Athens, Greece
Built atop what is known as the "Sacred Rock" of Athens, the Acropolis was to
radiate power and protection for its citizens. The temples of the Acropolis
have become the some of most famous architectural landmarks of ancient and
modern history. Today, the Parthenon in particular is an international symbol
of Greek civilization. A graphic illustration of the temple also appears in the
UNESCO logo, representing culture and education.
Alhambra (12th century) Granada, Spain
Mohammed I, the first king of the Nasriden – a Moorish dynasty in Granada -
converted a 9th-century castle into his private royal residence, and it is this
which we now know as the Alhambra. The structure, which covers an area of 13
hectares, is renowned for its stunning frescoes and interior detail. The
building is one of the finest examples of Moorish architecture in the world
and is among Europe’s most-visited tourist attractions.
Angkor (12th century) Cambodia
Angkor is the most important monument of the south-east Asian Khmer Empire and
the world’s largest sacred temple. Built during the reign of King
Suryavaman, at the beginning of the 12th century, Angkor is noted for its
intricate ornamentation and striking beauty. With its water moats,
concentric walls and magnificent temple mountain in the center, Angkor Wat
symbolizes the Hindu cosmos, with its oceans at the periphery and the
Meru mountain at the center of its universe.
Statues of Easter Island (10th - 16th Century) Easter Island, Chile
Discovered on Easter Sunday, 1722 by Dutch explorer Jakob Roggeveen, this
collection of 25 meter-high stone sculptures still puzzles historians and
archaeologists as to its origins. It is believed that a society of
Polynesian origin settled here in the 4th century and established a unique
tradition of monumental sculpture. Between the 10th and 16th centuries, they
erected the enormous stone figures, known as the Moai, which have long
fascinated the entire world and endowed this island with a mythical atmosphere.
The Eiffel Tower (1887 - 89) Paris, France
The creation of Gustave Eiffel, this magnificent steel tower has come to serve
as a symbol of Paris, as well as of France itself. The structure is not only
a landmark that is recognized all over the world, but is perhaps the
most popular architectural achievement in the Western world. It was the
tallest man-made structure in the world until the Empire State Building was
constructed. The tower is visited by six million people every year.
The Hagia Sophia (532 - 537 A.D.) Istanbul, Turkey
The Hagia Sophia was erected during the reign of Emperor Justinian (532 - 537 A.D.),
when the Byzantine Empire was at the height of its power and
influence. The massive dome, which is the prominent architectural feature,
has since often been used as a model for the design of Islamic
mosques. Indeed, after the fall of Byzantium, the Hagia Sophia was converted
into an Ottoman mosque. Today, the monument is a museum serving both
Christians and Muslims.
Kiyomizu Temple (749 - 1855) Kyoto, Japan
Laid out in 794 A.D., the palaces and temples of Kyoto were the residences of
Japan's emperors and shoguns for more than 1,000 years. The Japanese
Emperor is enthroned at the Imperial Palace of Gosho. Among other
significant works are the Higashi Nonganji and Nishi Hoganji temple
complexes, the Kinkakuji Temple with its 'Golden Pavilion' and the Kiyomizu
Temple, the temple of “clear waters.” The Kyoto sites have been
destroyed and rebuilt many times throughout history and are today among Asia's
greatest cultural heritage sites.
The Acropolis of Athens (450 - 330 B.C.) Athens, Greece
Built atop what is known as the “Sacred Rock” of Athens, the Acropolis was to
radiate power and protection for its citizens. The temples of the Acropolis
have become the some of most famous architectural landmarks of ancient and
modern history. Today, the Parthenon in particular is an international symbol
of Greek civilization. A graphic illustration of the temple also appears in the
UNESCO logo, representing culture and education.
Neuschwanstein Castle (1869 -1884) Schwangau, Germany
Neuschwanstein Castle was built in a time when castles and fortresses were no
longer strategically necessary. Instead, it was born of pure fantasy – a
beautiful, romantic composition of towers and walls in the perfect setting
of mountains and lakes. The combination of various architectural styles and
intrinsic craftwork has inspired generations of adults and children alike.
The Pyramids of Giza (2600 - 2500 B.C), Egypt
The Pyramids of Giza, the oldest and only Ancient Wonder still standing, are
testimony to perfection in art and design, never subsequently achieved. They
were built by planners and engineers purely to serve their earthy
rulers - who were also their gods. Philosophy did not exist at this time,
and creation was not subject to any questioning. The pyramids are the purest
of constructions, built for eternity. After careful consideration, the New7
Wonders Foundation designated the Pyramids of Giza - the only remaining of
the 7 Ancient Wonders of the World - as an Honorary New7Wonders Candidate.
Therefore, people could not vote for the Pyramids of Giza as part of the New7
Wonders campaign. This decision has also taken into account the views of the
Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt and the Egyptian Ministry of
Culture. The Pyramids are a shared world culture and heritage site and
deserve their special status as the only Honorary Candidate of the New7
Wonders of the World campaign. The New 7 Wonders of the World were chosen by
the people across the globe from the remaining 20 New7Wonders candidates.
The Statue of Liberty (1886) New York City, U.S.A.
The Statue of Liberty was a gift of the French government to the United States
to honor the ideals of freedom and independence. It was a very early gesture of
national generosity. This huge statue became a symbol of hope and freedom for
many hundreds of millions of people who immigrated to the United States during
the 20th century to find a new life of peace and prosperity. It is also the one
New7Wonders candidate that most closely resembles one of the Ancient 7 Wonders -
The Colossus of Rhodes.
Stonehenge (3000 B.C. - 1600 B.C.) Amesbury, United Kingdom
Construction of Stonehenge took place between ca. 3000 and 1600 B.C. With each
stone weighing around 50 tons, it is regarded as a truly amazing feat of
engineering. Although it is not clear who built the monument, nor for what
purpose, it has been speculated that it was either a temple dedicated to the
worship of ancient earth deities, an astronomical observatory or a sacred burial site.
Sydney Opera House (1954 - 73) Sydney, Australia
When the Sydney Opera House was finished in 1973, this landmark building - in
the true sense of the expression, - put the whole continent of Australia on
the world map. This building does not imitate or reflect what we generally
imagine an opera house might look like, indeed, it is a completely abstract
interpretation. The ability to create abstract art only developed after the
invention of photography in the late 19th century, when painters first
began to experiment with an abstract, cubist interpretation of reality.
Timbuktu (12th century) Mali
In the 12th century, Timbuktu was at the crossroads of the four most important
caravan paths supplying the Arab world, which then spanned from the Middle East
all the way to Spain. The accumulation of wealth made it one of the wealthiest
places on earth at the time. This allowed one of the first universities in the
history of humankind to be established– the celebrated Islamic university
called the Koranic Sankore, where 20,000 students studied law, medicine,
rhetoric, etc. Today, it remains with us as a powerful myth and, in this way,
resembles another Ancient Wonder, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
Aurorae are natural colored light displays in the sky which are usually observed in the polar zone at night. They occur in the ionosphere in this way some scientists call them “polar auroras”. The effect is known as the aurora borealis in northern latitudes, “Aurora” is for Roman goddess of dawn and “boreas” is for Greek name for north wind. Also called the northern polar lights because it is only visible in the Northern sky from the Northern Hemisphere and it most often occurs from September to October and from March to April. The Cree call it the “Dance of the Spirits”. In southern parts is called aurora australis or southern polar lights with similar properties, “australis” is the latin word for “of the south”.

Often it appears as a greenish glow or sometimes a faint red, as if the sum was rising from an unusual direction, generally it extends east-west direction. So it appears as curtains and some times they form “quiet arcs” and active aurora evolving and changing constantly. Each curtain consists of many parallel rays, each lined up with the local direction of the magnetic field lines such as the aurora is shaped by Earth’s magnetic field.

Benjamin Franklin brought the attention to the “mystery of Northern lights” and theorized the shifting lights to a concentration of electrical charges in the Polar Regions intensified by the snow and other moisture.

The collision of charged particles from Earth’s magnetosphere, electrons, protons and heavier particles with atoms and molecules of Earth’s upper atmosphere produce the Auroras. The particles have energies of 1 to 100 keV, which originate from the sun and arrive so near to the Earth with a relatively low energy of the solar wind. Many factors influence in the color of the aurorae, most of them are green and red emission due to atomic oxygen, low level red and very high blue/violet aurorae are produced by molecular nitrogen and nitrogen ions. The ionic nitrogen produces light blue colors and the neutral nitrogen gives off the red and purple color with the rippled edges. In addition the interacting of gases, different compounds of oxygen and nitrogen with the upper atmosphere will produce different colors, and the level of solar wind activity from the sun can also influence in the color of aurorae.

Aurora frequency of occurrence is common in the Poles in temperate latitudes, when a strong magnetic storm temporarily expands the aurora oval. The most common large magnetic storms are during the peak of the eleven year sunspot cycle or during the three years after that peak. Actually the geomagnetic storms that ignite aurorae occur during the months around the equinoxes and are tied to Earth’s seasons while polar activity is not.

On August 28, 1859 and September 2, 1859 as a result of the “great geomagnetic storm” are produced the auroras, the most spectacular ever witnessed throughout recent recorded history. Probably the aurora was produced by one of the most intense coronal mass ejections in history, very near to the maximum intensity of the sun. Some telegraph lines seem to have been of the appropriate length and orientation which allowed a current to be induced in them and actually used for communication. The following conversation occurred between two operators around two hours using no battery power at all and working solely with the current induced by the aurora.

The legend says that the King Nebuchadnezzar constructed the gardens to please his wife Amytis. They were amazing terraces with beautiful flowers and tree around the palace of Nebuchadnezzar in the city of Babylon
These famous gardens were one of the ancient Seven Wonders of the World which was described by the Greek historian Herodotus. The oldest descriptions about the gardens were written by Greek sources like Strabo or Philo of Byzantium. These historians described the gardens as one of the most impressive sites of the World.
Some stories tell that the hanging gardens towered above hundreds of feet into the air but archaeological investigations indicate a more modest height, but still impressive to the time. The hanging Gardens did not really “hang “in the exact sense of being suspended from cables or ropes. The origin of the name is an inexact translation of the Greek word “kremastos” which mean “hanging”, but it means also “overhanging” such as a terrace or balcony.
The Greek Historian Strabo (first century BC) described the gardens with these words: “Babylon, too, lies in a plain; and the circuit of its wall is three hundred and eighty-five stadia (an ancient unit of distance). The thickness of its wall is thirty-two feet; the height thereof between the towers is fifty cubits (an ancient unit of measure); that of the towers is sixty cubits; and the passage on top of the wall is such that four-horse chariots can easily pass one another; and it is on this account that this and the hanging garden are called one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The garden is quadrangular in shape, and each side is four plethra (an ancient unit of measure) in length. It consists of arched vaults, which are situated, one after another, on checkered, cube-like foundations. The checkered foundations, which are hollowed out, are covered so deep with earth that they admit of the largest of trees, having been constructed of baked brick and asphalt — the foundations themselves and the vaults and the arches. The ascent to the uppermost terrace-roofs is made by a stairway; and alongside these stairs there were screws, through which the water was continually conducted up into the garden from the Euphrates by those appointed for this purpose. For the river, a stadium in width, flows through the middle of the city; and the garden is on the bank of the river”.
Another Greek historian named Diodorus Siculus tells that the gardens were around 400 feet wide by 400 feet long and almost 80 feet high. Garden´s height is very controversial, since Herodotus said it was 320 feet high, but this point seems too exaggerated
Other source described the hanging gardens as follows: "The Hanging Garden has plants cultivated above ground level, and the roots of the trees are embedded in an upper terrace rather than in the earth. The whole mass is supported on stone columns... Streams of water emerging from elevated sources flow down sloping channels... These waters irrigate the whole garden saturating the roots of plants and keeping the whole area moist. Hence the grass is permanently green and the leaves of trees grow firmly attached to supple branches... This is a work of art of royal luxury and its most striking feature is that the labor of cultivation is suspended above the heads of the spectators".
The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate, the opening of the San Francisco Bay onto the Pacific Ocean. As part of both U.S. Route 101 and State Route 1, it connects the city of San Francisco on the northern tip of the San Francisco Peninsula to Marin County.

The Golden Gate Bridge had the longest suspension bridge span in the world (4,200 foot) when it was completed in 1937 and has become an internationally recognized symbol of San Francisco and California.

Despite its red appearance, the colour of the bridge is officially an orange vermilion called international orange. The colour was selected by consulting architect Irving Morrow because it blends well with the natural surroundings yet enhances the bridge's visibility in fog.

The bridge's two towers rise 746 feet making them 191 feet taller than the Washington Monument. The five lane bridge crosses Golden Gate Strait which is about 400 feet, or 130 meters, deep. The bridge consists of two towers of 746 feet this makes it 191 feet higher than the Washington Monument. The five lanes of the Golden Gate Bridge are about 400 feet or 130 meters deep.

The towers that support the Golden Gate Bridge's suspension cables are smaller at the top than at the base, emphasizing the tower height of 500 feet above the roadway Coit Tower is another San Francisco landmark with an Art Deco design.

Linking San Francisco with Marin County the Golden Gate Bridge is a 1.7 mile-long suspension bridge that can be crossed by car, on bicycles or on foot. On an average day 118,000 vehicles cross the bridge. The bridge has six total lanes of vehicle traffic, and walkways on both sides of the bridge.

The speed limit on the Golden Gate Bridge was reduced from 55 mph (89 km/h) to 45 mph (72 km/h) on 1 October 1983. The eastern walkway is for pedestrians and bicycles during the weekdays and during daylight hours only, and the western walkway is open to bicyclists on weekday afternoons, weekends, and holidays.

It united three Boroughs of New York: Manhattan, the Bronx, and Queens. It remains the largest vertical-lift bridge in the world. It joins three giant bridges into one and consists of 13,500 feet of elevated viaduct and fourteen miles of roadway, all travelling over Randall's and Ward's Islands. Since its completion, the span length has been surpassed by eight other bridges. It still has the second longest suspension bridge main span in the United States, after the Verrazano Narrows Bridge in New York City.
The Grand Canyon more than an awe-inspiring view, is a colourful, steep-sided gorge carved by the Colorado River in northern Arizona, United States. The canyon is a great chasm carved over millennia through the rocks of the Colorado Plateau. It contains one of the first national parks in the US. President Theodore Roosevelt was a major proponent of preservation of the Grand Canyon area, visiting on numerous occasions to hunt mountain lion and enjoy the scenery.

The canyon was created by the Colorado River over a period of 17 million years according to the research released in 2008. With 446 km long, ranging in width from 6.4 to 29km and attaining a depth of more than 1.6 km. Six million years ago, the canyon started from the west, then another formed from the east, and the two broke through and met as a single majestic rent in the earth, it merger apparently occurred in the area known as the Kaibab Arch.

The area was inhabited by Native Americans who built settlements within the canyon and many caves. People considered it as a holy site. The first European, García López de Cárdenas arrived in 1540. In 1869, Major John Wesley Powell with a thirst for science and adventure, made the first recorded journey through the canyon as “leaves in a great story book”.

The Grand Canyon offers to visitors, amazing vistas on the rim which mean an unmatched throughout the world. In spite of not being the deepest canyon in the world, is known for its overwhelming size and its intricate and colourful landscape. These thick sequences of ancient rocks are beautifully preserved and exposed in the walls of the canyon. Also the Grand Canyon National Park is one of the world’s premier natural attractions with around five million visitors per year.
Colorado Plateau has been created by the movements of sediments thousands of feet upward. The higher elevation has resulted in greater precipitation in the Colorado River drainage area, but still not enough to change the semi-arid characteristic. The uplift of the Colorado Plateau is uneven, and the north-south trending Kaibab Plateau that Grand Canyon bisects is over a thousand feet higher at the North Rim than at the South Rim. Colorado River flows in a curve around the higher North Rim part of the Kaibab Plateau and closer to the South Rim part of the plateau is also explained by this asymmetry. The result is deeper and longer tributary washes and canyons on the north side and shorter and steeper side canyons on the south side. In addition the best views of the expanse of the canyon are from the North Rim, so temperatures and lower because of the greater elevation, but heavy rains are common on both rims during the summer months. The uplift has steepened the stream gradient of the Colorado River and its tributaries which has increased their speed and thus their ability to cut through rock due to the great depth of the Grand Canyon.
During the ice ages, weather conditions increased the amount of water in the Colorado River drainage system. Approximately 5.3 million years ago the Gulf of Californian changed the base level and course of the Colorado River when it opened and lowered the river’s base level. About one million years ago, volcanic activity deposited ash and lava over the area, which at times completely obstructed the river, but these volcanic rocks are the youngest in the canyon.
Rio de Janeiro Harbour is located on the south-western shore of Guanabara Bay, which is surrounded by the city of Rio along a strip of land between the Atlantic Ocean and the mountains: Sugar Loaf Mt, Corcovado Peak, and the hills of Tijuca. The harbour was formed by the Atlantic Ocean which wore out the soil and rocks along the coast.
The naked and lopsided mountain called Pao de Acucar evoked the sugarloaves fashioned on the island of Madeira, guarding the entrance to the bay. The highest mountain was called Corcovado “the hunchback” due to its humped profile. Nowadays a statue of Christ the Redeemer crowns the 2,300 foot-high peak.
The geology of this amazing place is admired by people who said: “God made the world in six days and on the seventh, he concentrated on Rio”. Its climate is wonderful and the beaches are free to everyone.
The Mount Everest, the highest mountain on earth with 8.848 meters above sea level, is part of the Himalaya range in High Asia and is located on the border between Sagarmatha Zone, Nepal and Tibet, China. It is called Sagarmatha, Chomolungma, Qomolangma or Zhumulangma. Name in Nepal is Sagarmantha which means “goddess of the sky” and the name in Tibet is Chomolungma which means “mother goddess of the universe”.
Around 1856 when the Great Trigonometric Survey of India established the height of Everest 8,840 m, the mount was known as Peak XV. In 1865 upon recommendation of Andrew Vaugh, the British Surveyor General of Indi, the English name was official “Everest”. He was unable to purpose a local name in common for Nepal and Tibet people however Chomolungma had been use by Tibetans for centuries.
The Mount Everest attracts climbers of all levels, from experienced to novice climbers which willing to pay substantial sums to professional mountain guides to complete a successful climb. The mountain still has many inherent dangers such as altitude sickness, weather and wind. In spite of that information by the end of the 2007 climbing season, there had been 3679 ascents to the summit by 2436 individuals, which this means climbers are a significant source of the Nepal tourism. The government requires to prospective climbers to obtain an expensive permit, coasting up to $25,000 per person. Everest has claimed 210 lives, including eight who perished during a 1996 storm high on the mountain.
Paricutin is a cinder cone volcano in the Mexican state of Michoacán, close to a lava-covered village of the same name. It is part of the Michoacán-Guanajuato Volcanic Field which covers much of west central Mexico.

Dioniso Pulido, a Tarascan farmer, along with his wife and their son witnessed the initial eruption of ash and stones first-hand as they plowed the field, that began as a fissure in his cornfield. Much of the volcano's growth occurred during its first year, while it was still in the explosive pyroclastic phase. Nearby villages Paricutín (after which the volcano was named) and San Juan Parangaricutiro were both buried in lava and ash; the residents relocated to vacant land nearby.

After one year, the volcano had grown 336 meters tall, for the next eight years it would continue erupting, but the activity would slowly decline. In 1952 the eruption ended and Parícutin went quiet, attaining a final height of 424 meters above the cornfield from which it was born. Like most cinder cones, it is a monogenetic volcano which means that it will never erupt again.

Parícutin is the youngest of more than 1400 volcanic vents in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt and North America. Three people died as a result of lighting strikes caused by the eruptions, but no deaths were attributed to the lava or asphyxiation.

During the active phase of Parícutin volcano, shots were included in the film Captain from Castile by the 20th Century Fox’s, released in 1947.
Actually two different elevation are attributed to Paricutín: 3170 meters by the Smithsonian Global Volcanism Program and and 2774 meters by and along with GPS measurements on Google Earth.
The most recent volcano formed on the Western Hemisphere, from its birth of the eruption between 1943 and 1952, it has represented a dramatic period in the lives of Parícutin people, who losing crops, livestock and suffered substantial property damage during the natural disaster.
This wonderful corals reef is the only live collective organism that can be seen from the orbit of the Earth. The Great Barrier Reef is an amazing site of extraordinaire beauty located in the northeastern coast of Australia, where it can find almost all corals species of the world. It is the largest corals ecosystem of the planet and without doubt one of the most beautiful places of the Earth.

This place is named thus; because is an outer reef located along the Australian coast, but with a channel between the continental coastline and the reef whose depth is around 60 meters. This Reef has over 1000 islands, most of them encircled by coral reefs; these islands are the home of a great number of animals and forests; therefore these islands are one of the main attractions of the Great Barrier Reef. The Barrier Reef is composed by around 9000 islands and 2800 individual reefs, it spreads along 2600 Kilometers, occupying almost 344 400 square kilometers. Each individual reef has a size between 1 and 10 000 hectares. Besides, this marvelous ecosystem hosts also around 400 coral species, 1500 fish species, 4000 kinds of mollusk and several mammals and reptiles endangered such as the large green turtle or the dugong (also known as sea cow)

. There is also a great population of birds in the islands. Because of this variety Australia owns one of the richest seas of the world; therefore the country receives every year around one billion dollars thanks to the fishing industry.

The great variety and number of corals in this site is due to the ideal conditions of temperature and light of this region of the planet. The shallow and warm waters (around 18 ºC and 30 meters depth) of the zone combined with the sunshine that illuminates these waters during the entire year provide a perfect environment for the development of corals, which created also an ideal ambient for the other species that inhabit the ecosystem.

The Great Barrier Reef is one of the most beautiful underwater spectacles of the world; therefore is a true paradise to do scuba diving. This activity is also the best way to know the Great Barrier Reef. Diving in this natural wonderful is the opportunity to enter into an amazing universe of color, created by the abundant marine life. The reef looks like an endless set of gardens in bloom under ocean.

Unfortunately like most underwater paradises of the world, the Great Barrier Reef has been affected by the human contamination, which comes mainly of the rivers of the northeastern Australia, which transport to the ocean the remains of the fertilizers and pesticides used by the farmers. These chemical residues cause the decreasing of the oxygen in the water killing many corals and other species. The over fishing is also a great threat for the balance of the ecosystem.
The Victoria Falls is called Mosi-oa-Tunya by the local people, the smoke that thunders, and constitutes one of the best spectacular natural wonders of the world. With its 1708 meters wide became it in the largest curtain of water in the world also by its remarkable falls. The waterfall is situated in southern Africa on the Zambezi River between the countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe. It boasts of being the largest waterfall in the world with the most unusual in form and having the most diverse and easily seen wildlife of any major waterfall site.

The Victoria Falls still inspires visitors as it did with David Livingstone in the 1860s. The falls and surrounding area of this remarkable preserved natural state have been declared National Parks and a World Heritage Site, thus preserving the area from excessive commercialization.

During the flood season from February to May is impossible to see the foot of the falls and most of its face, and the walks along the cliff opposite it are in a constant shower and shrouded in mist. The minimum flow occurs in November.

Two cities are part of Victoria Falls: at the eastern end of it, Victoria Falls town in Zimbabwe lies on the southern bank of the Zambezi River and at 18km south of town, Victoria Falls Airport has international services to Johannesburg and Namibia. The second city, Livingstone in Zambia is a historic colonial city and tourism centre for Victoria Falls lying 10km south on the Zambezi River. Its airport has connections to Lusaka and Johannesburg in South Africa.

Victoria Falls - Livingstone sideMosi-oa-Tunya National Park in Zambia is an UNESCO World Heritage site along is twinned to the Victoria Falls National Park in Zimbabwe. It covers 66km2 from below the falls in a north-west arc along about 20km of the Zambian river bank.
Both Parks contain abundant wildlife including sizable population of elephant, buffalo, giraffe, zebra, vervet monkeys, baboons and a variety of antelope. Lion and leopard are occasionally seen. The river above the falls contains large populations of hippopotamus and crocodile. Klipspringers and clawless otters can be glimpsed in the gorges, but they are mainly known for 35 species of raptors. The Taita Falcon, Black Eagle, Peregrine Falcon and Augur Buzzard breed there. Above the falls, herons, Fish Eagles and numerous kinds of waterfowl are common. The most notable aspect of the area's vegetation though is the rainforest nurtured by the spray from the falls, containing plants rare for the area such as pod mahogany, ebony, ivory palm, wild date palm and a number of creepers and lianas.

Some activities can be undertaken such as the “Flight of Angels” providing an superb vista of the falls, the upstream river and its many islands. For more adventurous the “Microlighting” with stunning views of Victoria Falls. Rafting is the most popular adventure. Visitor can also kayak, canoe, go on guided walking safaris, ride on horseback and lunch on Livingstone’s Island.

The Devil´s Swimming Pool is a famous feature naturally formed, near the edge of the falls, accessed via Livingstone Island. People can swim as close as possible to the edge of the falls without continuing over the edge and falling into the gorge due to a natural rock wall that stops their progress despite the current.

The Channel Tunnel also called the Euro Tunnel is a rail link under the English Channel between Cheriton near Folkestone, Kent, and Coquelles near Calais. The tunnel is one of the greatest civil engineering projects of the 20th century, has an ultimate design capacity of 600 trains per day each way.

The Channel Tunnel is 50 km (31 mi) long, out of which 39 km (24 mi) are undersea; it comprises two railway tunnels and a service tunnel. The two rail tunnels have 7.6 m in diameter, and the central tunnel has 4.8 m in diameter that is used for maintenance and ventilation, and if necessary, passengers could escape into it on foot in the event of an emergency on board a train. There are also several "cross-over" passages that allow trains to switch from one track to another.

The depth of the tunnels below the seabed averages about 45 m. The total number of track is 195 kilometers (120 miles), of which 45 kilometers (28 miles) outside the terminal in the United Kingdom and 50 km (31 miles) to the French terminal. The journey takes less than 30 minutes

The CN Tower is the World's Tallest Building and Free-Standing Structure and has the world's highest public observatory, although it is not considered to be a traditional building. At a height of 553.33m, it is an important telecommunications hub. It is almost twice as tall as the Eiffel Tower and more than three times the height of the Washington Monument.

Located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at the southern end of town to the north shore of Lake Ontario, the CN Tower is easily accessible from many major streets and highways. It was erected as a communications and tourist tower.

The CN Tower consists of a main hexagonal hollow pillar of concrete containing the elevators, stairwells and power and plumbing connections. To the main pillar are attached the broadcast antenna and the two main visitors area. The main pillar has three supporting legs giving it the appearance of a camera tripod.

Some floors of the Main Level are open to the public. At 342 m is the Glass Floor and Outdoor Observation Deck. The Glass Floor consists of thermal glass units that are 64mm thick. The floor has an area of 24sq metre and can withstand a pressure of 600psi. At 346m is the Horizons Cafe and Look Out level.

There is a rotating restaurant at 351m called the 360 Restaurant. It revolves completely in 360 degrees every 72 minutes. The rotation is slow enough that you can enjoy the fantastic views of Toronto without realizing your view is changing every moment. Below the Main Level is the tower's microwave receiver shaped like a big white donut.

The Sky Pod is presently the highest observation deck in the world. From here, you can see 100-120 km away, to the city of Rochester across Lake Ontario in the US, and see the mist rising from Niagara Falls.

The CN Tower has the tallest metal staircase in the world. At the 1776th step, the staircase reaches the Main Level. The staircase is intended only for emergency use, and is not open to the public outside three times a year during the charity stair-climbing events.

At the base of the Toronto CN tower is an attraction called the Tour of the Universe. For the price of entry you can walk through a simulated space port, see a laser show and experience what it’s like to fly through space. Tour of the Universe is open daily from 10am until 10pm. The CN Tower is open 364 days a year (closed on Christmas Day). Hours of Operation are daily from 9am-10pm January-April; 8am-11pm May-December. Cost is $16 for adults.
The Panama Canal is a major ship canal that traverses the Isthmus of Panama in Central America, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Construction of the canal was one of the largest and most difficult engineering projects ever undertaken. It has had an enormous impact on shipping between the two oceans, replacing the long and treacherous route via the Drake Passage and Cape Horn at the southernmost tip of South America.

The 50 miles long (80 km) international waterway known as the Panama Canal allows ships to pass between the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean, saving about 8000 miles (12,875 km) from a journey around the southern tip of South America, Cape Horn. The Canal itself is made up of the Gaillard Cut channel and the artificial Gatun Lake. The lake was formed by the damming of the Chagres River.

The chambers of the locks are wide and 33.53 meters from 304.8 meters long. The water to get on and off the ships in each set of locks is obtained by gravity from Lake Gatun. The water enters the locks through a main sewer system, which extends below the chambers of the locks from the side walls and the central wall.

The narrowest part of the Canal is the Culebra Cut, which extends from the far north of the Pedro Miguel Locks to the southern tip of Lake Gatun in Gamboa. This segment, approximately 13.7 km long, was dug through rock and limestone of the Cordillera Central. The maximum size of vessel that can use the canal is known as Panamax; an increasing number of modern ships exceed this limit, and are known as post-Panamax or super-Panamax vessels.

Since opening, the canal has been enormously successful, and continues to be a key conduit for international maritime trade. The canal can accommodate vessels from small private yachts up to large commercial vessels. For every ship that passes the canal is used about 197 million litres of fresh water, which flows by gravity through the locks and dumped into the ocean. The Canal operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, providing transit service to ships of all nations without discrimination.

The Itaipu Dam is one of the largest operational hydroelectric power plant output of any dam in the world.

The Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Plant is located on the Parana River between Brazil and Paraguay. The Parana River is the seventh largest river in the world and the second largest in South America. Itaipu Dam is the world’s largest hydroelectric power facility and it is a joint effort of the governments of Brazil and Paraguay.

The project ranges from Foz do Iguaçu, in Brazil, and Ciudad Del Este in Paraguay, in the south to Guaira and Salto Del Guaira in the north. The name Itaipu was taken from an isle that existed near the construction site. In the Guarani language, “Itaipu” means the sound of a stone.

The Itaipu Reservoir is 170 km long with an area of 1.35 km2 and has a volume at maximum normal level of 29 billion tons of water. It consists of a series of various types of dams the height of the dam reaches 196 m, its length 7.76 km. The Powerhouse is located at the toe of the main Dam, most of it on the river bed and the rest on the Diversion Channel.

The main structure, a hollow, concrete gravity dam, has a powerhouse capable of generating 14,000 megawatts (MW) of electricity. The main powerhouse has 18 Francis turbines each with a rated power of 715 MW. The Spillway is located on the right bank, and it has 14 segmented sluice gates with a total discharge rate of 62,200 cubic meters per second.

The volumes of construction in Itaipu are also impressive. The volume of iron and steel utilized in the Dam structure would be enough to build 380 Eiffel Towers, and the volume of concrete used in Itaipu represents 15 times the volume utilized to build the Channel Tunnel between France and England.

The power plant is a major tourist attraction in the Foz do Iguacu area. More than nine million visitors from 162 countries have visited the structure since it was completed in 1991.

The Empire State Building in New York City is one of the most famous skyscrapers in the world known over for its history, architecture, and as a symbol of American industry.

The Empire State Building located at Fifth Avenue at 34th Street in Manhattan. Ever since it was built, the Empire State Building has captured the attention of young and old alike, every year, millions of tourists flock to the Empire State Building to get a glimpse from its 86th and 102nd floor observatories; the image of the Empire State Building has appeared in hundreds of ads and movies.

The Building Materials on the exterior is Indiana limestone and granite, trimmed with aluminium and chrome nickel steel from the 6th floor to the top, the interior the lobby was made by Ceiling high marble, imported from France, Italy, Belgium and Germany. The facade is composed of more than 200,000 cubic feet of Indiana limestone and granite, and utilizes several setbacks to offset the optical distortion.

It has height 448 meters to top of antenna, 391 meters to 102nd floor observatory, 320 meters to 86th floor observatory. And cover an area of 83,860 square feet. The top of the Empire State Building is lit up at night in different colours to celebrate various holidays. For a long time after Sept. 11, 2001, it was continuously lit red, white, and blue. The height of the antenna has been increased from 443.2 meters to 448.7 meters.

The Empire State Building Observatory on the 86th and 102nd floors provides incredible views of Manhattan. It's one of the most popular tourist destinations in New York City on a clear day you can see up to 80 miles in any direction.

The observatory is open daily from 9:30am to midnight. All visitors must enter through the Fifth Avenue entrance and security is strict so expect a wait. You'll want to bring some quarters for the coin operated telephoto viewers on the observation deck.

The Delta Works is one of the most impressive structures in the world with its hydraulic system improves water balance which protects Netherlands from storms and high sea levels.

The flooding in 1953 made it very clear how vulnerable the land and the people living there were. Therefore a huge effort the Delta Works project was made to create a new and better protection to make sure this would not happen again.

The Delta Works protects a large area of land around the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt delta from the sea. Delta Works is a very complicated collection of locks, sluices, channels, bridges, slides, dams, dikes, storm surge barriers and gates working together.

The aim of the dams, sluices, and storm surge barriers was to shorten the Dutch coastline, thus reducing the number of dikes that had to be raised. This dam consists of several strings of gates and their massive supporting pylons which, in normal weather, allow tidal sea waters to ebb and flow in the Eastern Schelde estuary, thus benefiting the fish, bird life and the local fisheries. The four great estuaries in the south-western Netherlands should be closed with dams. These closures should be done in a special order because of tidal movements of shipping and fishing, this guarantees for the economy of the country.

The piers and their mechanisms had to be lifted into precise positions in the estuary. But the type of equipment needed for such gargantuan and specialized tasks did not exist anywhere in the world; it had to be invented. The piers support 300- to 500-ton steel gates and their hydraulic machinery, as well as a roadway above and load-bearing beams below.

The Oosterscheldedam is on one of the two artificial islands situated in Zeeland, just an hour and a half driving distance from Amsterdam and half an hour from Dordrecht where the structure is located; it is a recommend for those interested in water management. Three kilometres long, this anti-tempest dam is constituted of 65 pillars between which one can slide 62 iron flood-gates.

The height of one pillar is 38 meter and its weight 18.000 tons. When the sea becomes dangerous, one hour is enough to lower the flood gates. This system affords to keep 75% of the tide amplitude as well as the fishing industry, the breed of mussels and oysters and above all, the unique eco-system of The Biesbosch.

One of the latest improvements of the Delta plan was the storm surge barrier in the New Waterway near Hoek van Holland built in 1997. It consists of two enormous doors mounted on swing arms that can be used to close the estuary if storm and high water requires in order protecting the country.

This wonder of the ancient world is also known as the Temple of Diana. The temple was located in Ephesus an ancient Greek city around 50 Km from the actual city of Izmir in the territory that today occupies Turkey
The temple was dedicated to Artemis the Greek goddess, the virginal huntress and twin of Apollo, who occupied the place of Titan Selene as Goddess of the Moon.
This deity was passionately venerated as an archaic pre-Hellenic icon. The original statue that represented to Artemis was carved in wood. The statue had many breasts which denoted her fertility, rather than the virginity that Hellenic Artemis assumed.
The Greek Artemis was a little different from the Artemis that was adored in Ephesus. The Ephesus 's goddess was a deity of the fertility; whereas the Greek Artemis was traditionally the goddess of the hunt. Therefore, it believes that the cult to the Artemis of Ephesus began several centuries before the Hellenic period. Probably the worship to Artemis derived from the ancient worship that Ephesians gave to Cybele.
The temple was built, destroyed and reconstructed many times since Bronze Age. But the temple that was listed as one of the Seven Wonders of the World was a project of 120 years which was started by Croesus of Lydia.
Antipater of Sidon described the temple using the following words: I have set eyes on the wall of lofty Babylon on which is a road for chariots, and the statue of Zeus by the Alpheus, and the hanging gardens, and the colossus of the Sun, and the huge labor of the high pyramids, and the vast tomb of Mausolus; but when I saw the house of Artemis that mounted to the clouds, those other marvels lost their brilliancy, and I said, Lo, apart from Olympus, the Sun never looked on aught (anything) so grand .
Pliny was who described the temple with more detail. According to his description the temple was 377 feet (115 m) long and 180 feet (55m) wide, with an area three times as large the Parthenon in Athens. It was made mainly of marble and was enclosed in colonnades of 127 Ionics columns, each column was 60 feet (18 m) height. The temple was always surrounded by priests and priestesses, musicians, dancers and acrobats.
This wonder of the ancient World was located in the island of Pharos just off the coast of the city of Alexandria in Egypt. The great Lighthouse served to guide the sailors that traveled to the city founded by Alexander the Great.
The Lighthouse of Alexandria worked by 15 centuries and it was the last of the six lost wonders of the ancient world that disappeared. It was one of the greatest architectural feats of the antiquity.
Besides, the Lighthouse was the only wonder that was constructed with practical purposes; since it helped seafaring ships to find the harbor safely. The lighthouse served also as a military lookout for approaching enemy ships and a tourist balcony, because it had two observation platforms.
The Lighthouse had two beacons near its summit. At night a great bonfire generated the light and during the day a great mirror made with a concave disc of polished metal, reflected and directing the sun rays. The colossal building was constructed with large blocks of light colored stone and it was composed by 3 basic structural elements: a rectangular base, an octagonal midsection and a cylindrical upper section where the beacons were. Access to the entrance was up a long vaulted ramp, from which a spiral staircase led up to many chambers which were used probably by beasts of burden to carry fuel for the fire of the beacons. According to ancient stories the lighthouse could be seen from up 35 miles (56 Km) away and according other legends, the light of the beacons could burn enemy ships, but this legend is very difficult to believe.
It believes that the Lighthouse was between 330 and 600 feet (100 – 180 m) height and it was the highest building of the world except the Great Pyramid of Giza. Some texts mentioned a statue which was placed at top of the lighthouse and a poet named Poseidipos of Pella who lived in Alexandria in the III century BC, wrote talking about a statue depicted Zeus the Savior which was accompanied by Poseidon the Lord of the Sea
Dantewada is one of the most beautiful and picturesque districts of Chhattisgarh, located in the famous and enchanting Bastar region. Also one of the famous ancient towns of India, Dantewada had been the capital city of a glorious Kingdom in its golden past. It was known as Tarlapal and Dantawali in pre-historical days, mention of which can be found on the stone carvings found in the district.

Dantewada is blessed with exceptionally beautiful natural landscapes comprising of scenic hills and valleys, lush green sal and teak forests and young and lively rivers. Indravati, Godavari, Shabhari, Shankhini and Dankiny rivers flow all through the length and breathe of Dantewada. All these rivers with many enchanting waterfalls provide a unique charm to Dantewada, making it one of the loveliest destinations in Chhattisgarh. Apart from its scenic beauty, Dantewada also has a number of beautiful temples and important historical sites, worth visiting on your tours to Chhattisgarh.

The major tourist attractions of Dantewada include the famous Danteshwari Temple, Bhairon Baba Temple, the historic sites of Barsoor and Bhadrakali, Bailadila Iron ore Project Township and hilltop habitations of Aakash Nagar and Kailash Nagar. The annual Dusshera Festival celebrated by all the major tribes of the region at the Danteshwari Temple attract thousands of visitors every year.

Located at about 60 km from Raipur, Champaran (earlier known as Champajhar) is a small but famous village as it's the birthplace of the saint Vallabhacharya, the reformer and founder of the Vallabh Sect. A beautiful temple has been built in honor of this great saint, which has enhanced the religious sanctity of the place. The temple of Champakeshwara Mahadeva is another attraction at Champaran, worth visiting on your Champaran Tour.

But the greatest attraction of Champaran is its Annual Fair, which is held with great fanfare in the month of Magh (January - February), every year. Another attraction of Champaran is the birthday celebrations of the saint Vallabhacharya on 11th day of Baisakh (April-May) when thousands of devotees assemble at the temple to pay their homage to the holy soul.

Rajim is a small but historically important town of Chhattisgarh. Located at just 35 km from Raipur, the capital of Chhattisgarh, Rajim is famous for its rich cultural heritage and the beautiful ancient temples. Situated on the right bank of the river Mahanadi, Rajim was once considered an important urban center in the Mahakoshal region. Visit Rajim and see the amazing temples and sculptures and discover the ancient cultural heritage of the region on your Rajim Tour.

Known as the Prayag of Chhattisgarh, Rajim is located on the sangam (meeting points) of three rivers- Mahanadi, Pairy and Sondhu. The prime attraction of Rajim is the Rajivalochana Temple, dedicated to Lord Vishnu. The temple has 12 exquisitely carved pillars with tall single figures with faces of various gods and goddesses sculptured on them. In proximity to the Rajivalochana Temple, there are many other temples dedicated to different incarnations of lord Vishnu such as Vamana (dwarf), Narasimha (human body with face of a lion), Badrinath and Jagannath. The temple of Rajivalochana attracts thousands of devotees from all over India and abroad throughout the year. There is also a magnificent black stone statue of the lord Buddha meditating under the Bodhi tree.

Another major attraction of Rajim is its Annual Fair known as the Rajim Lochan Mahotsav, organized every year from 16th February to 1st March. With the recent efforts made by the Ministry of tourism, the Fair is now organized on grand scale, attracting thousands of visitors from all corners of the country. The colorful cultural programs of folk music, dance and drama are part and parcel of this beautiful Fair and never fail to fascinate the audiences. Explore this colorful and culturally rich town of Chhattisgarh on your Rajim Tour

Sirpur is located at a distance of 77 km from Raipur.It was the capital of Daxin Mahakaushal ( i.e. Chhattisgarh) situated on the bank of Mahanadi. The modern Sirpur, which contains the remains of the ancient and medieval Buddhist era, is one of the most treasured places for the Buddhists and historians.

Lakshman Temple : The 7th century Laxman Temple (dedicated to lord Vishnu) is considered as one of the finest brick temples of India with a stone doorframe.Built by Vatasa, the mother of King Balarjuna, the Lakshman temple is dedicated to the Hindu lord Vishnu. The temple, rich in magnificent medieval Indian architecture, is still a place of worship for the Hindus.

Hirapur Museum : The Hirapur museum, which is located at the back of the Lakshmana temple, contains a rare collection of statues representing the culture of various religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism.

The most interesting feature of the Sirpur is that archeological objects associated with the various sects and religions like Shaiv, Vaishnav, Jain and Buddhism (of approximately the same age) have been found side by side. Buddha Vihar, Swastik Vihar, Laxman Temple and the Museum are the main attractions of Sirpur.

The Shiva Linga in the temple is beautifully carved and the artistic appeal beckons the visitors. The Bhoramdeo temple has a resemblance with the Sun temple of Konark and the Khajuraho temple, and that is why it is also called the Khajuraho of Chhattisgath. With a background of natural beauty, this temple is also unique for its architecture. Cunningham had termed it as one of the most beautifully decorated temples seen by him The main temple is in front of a tranquil and cool lake.

This medieval temple has been constructed upon a five feet high sprawling platform including a ‘Mandapa’ and ‘sanctum’ (Garbhagriha). This east-facing temple has three openings except in the west. In the 60 ft. X 40 ft. area of the temple the Mandap is square shaped having four pillars in the centre and the rest in periphery and associated with high roofs. There is a half shelter also on every entrance.

In the 9 X 9 Sq. ft. sized ‘Garbhagriha’ a Shiva Linga’ is installed. Near the entrance on the outer walls, the sculptures of Lord Vishnu and his other incarnations can be seen, besides those of Shiva, Ganesha etc. The row of idols from top to bottom have a size of one, one-and-a-half, and two feet height respectively.The bottom part of the temples has four structures to keep the main body of the temple intact braving adverse wheather conditions. There is no ‘Kalasha’ on the top of the same.

The idols of elephants and lions are queued up on the top to give the temple a decorative look. The main idols in the temple are those of Uma-Maheshwar, Natraj, Narsimha, Vaman, Krishna, Surya, Kaal Bhairava, Nritya Ganesh, Kartikeye, Tandul, Shivgang, Chamunda, Ambika, Sapta-Matrika and Laxmi-Narayan.The traces of ‘Ramakatha’ are also engraved here on stones.Amidst a variety of idols the carved eternal sculptures of the temple are known worldwide for their exquisite carving in different erotic poses, obviously to reflect the lifestyle of those historic periods. In the north near this temple, there is a brick-structured temple. On the north-east and south portions of the ‘Garbhagriha’, the right-angled projections add attraction to the site having big one in the middle and smaller ones on the outer sides. The brick temple also has similar square Garbhagriha, as in the main temple but there is no ‘Mandapa’ in the front and only an open projected wall is there, which contains ‘Alinda’. The entrance of the ‘Garbhagriha’ is completely stone carved having one central pillar and three adjoining pillars still intact. Inside the main temple, there are the Shiva Linga and idols of Uma-Maheshwar. The king and queen are standing in the front as the worshippers.

was once the capital of Chhattisgarh. It is situated about 25 km from Bilaspur on the Katghora Road. As per the belief of the locals, the place Ratanpur was important in all the 4 yugs (ages) of Hinduism - Sat yug, Treta yug, Dwaapar yug and Kal yug. Temples of Ratanpur, Bilaspur attract tourists from far and wide places. Ratanpur is a holy land and one of the most important holy places in Bilaspur.

Ratanpur is mainly visited for its ruins of an old fort which stands tall over the small town. Striking temples can be seen dotted all over this place. Of all the temples of Ratanpur in Bilaspur, this fort features an attractive stone sculpture over the frame of the Ganesh gate. The entrance has Shiva's Tandav Dance and statues of Lord Bramha and Lord Vishnu. Inside, you shall come across the famous Sitchourai and Jagarnath temples.

While on a visit to various temples of Ratanpur in Bilaspur, India you will be fascinated by the beauty and sculpture of some temples. An 11th century temple, dedicated to the Goddess Mahamaya, was built during the reign of Calturi the king of Raja Ratnadev. There are ponds near the temple. Just opposite to this temple is another striking temple which features the Kantideval of Maratha Period. This has been renovated by the architecture department.

There are many attractive temples in Ratanpur. Little far from the palace of Ratanpur is temple of Baba Bairavnath which features a nine foot tall idol. Inside the palace of Ramtekri one can visit the temple of Ram Panchayat. Perched on a hillock is the Bhuddeshwar Shiv Temple built by Bhimbhaji Bhosle. Tucked away on a hilltop is the Laxmi Temple, also called Ekbira Temple. There is also the Ratneswar Mahadev Temple.

Hence temples of Ratanpur, Bilaspur are highly acclaimed and draw hundreds of tourists every year. Some of these temples are believed to be very auspicious. Wishes are granted at these sacred temples of Ratanpur, Bilaspur.

Chitrakote waterfalls lie in the midst of Kanger Valley National Park (Bastar district). This horse-shoe shaped fall is 40 km from Jagdalpur. It is the biggest in the country. Situated at the mid-point of the Indravati river, the drop of the Chitrakote waterfalls is about 100 ft, with the water flow reaching a staggering volume of over 1,845 cu metres per second during the monsoons. It constanty has a rainbow hovering over it. The falls are illuminated at night as well

Chitrakote Falls, the Niagara-like horseshoe waterfall created by Bastar?s Indravati River. You?ll have plenty of time to take pictures and be mesmerized by the rainbows arching across the turbulent flow. On your way back for lunch at the hotel. We?ll be stopping at the Anthropological Museum to give you an interesting insight into Bastar?s tribal culture. After lunch we?ll drive to Nagarnar, famous for its terracotta handicrafts. Vrindavan, one of the local craftsman, participated in the Festival of India held in London in 1981.

Kutumsar Gufa (Kutumsar Cave) is really astonishing. Being 330 metres long, it is the longest natural cave of the world! Having in mind that the longest cave of the world is Mammoth Cave in the U.S.A. which is some 572 kilometres long, we really giggled when reading this. There are numerous sources on the web about this cave, most seem to be copies of the same unintentionally funny text. Other texts are obfuscating the cave description. One is talking about "India's first and the world's seventh underground cave" (we can only imagine they mean length) and tells the cave was 35m below ground level and 1371m long. Another text calls it "the world's second longest natural caves", but we have no idea what they mean when they talk about "several blind wells". A text also calling it the second longest natural cave in the world claims its length to be 330m. One says "Kotumsar Caves are the caves which are about 2 km (1 mi) deep" and despite the fact that the conversion rate between kilometres and miles is somewhat strange, we are sure the caves are not that deep, we guess they also talk about the length.

But the most funny story tells about the lack of oxygen deep inside the cave, as the reason for access restrictions. There are various reasons for such a dangerous situation, normally a high amount of carbon dioxide which forms "lakes" in lower sections. This may happen in karst caves, but is extremely uncommon. Long time ago there was an accident with people suffocating in a cave, which very well may be an Indian urban legend, but makes visitors and cave management equally nervous. Many show caves in India have unnecessary ventilation systems.

Dongargarh is located at a distance of 40 kms from district headquarter Rajnandgaon and well connected with buses from Rajnandgaon. Dongargarh is also well connected with trains. Its on Bombay - Howrah main line at a distance of 170 kms from Nagpur and 100 kms from Raipur. The nearest airport is at mana (Raipur), around 110 kms from Dongargarh.

tehsil headquarter, Dongargarh is the main tourist as well as piligrimage of the district. The famous temple of MAA BAMBLESHWARI, is on a hilltop of 1600 feet in the town of Dongargarh. This temple is referred as BADI BAMBLESHWARI. Another temple at ground level is situated about 1/2 k.m. from the main temple complex. This temple is reffered as CHOTTI BAMBLESHWARI. Lakhs of people from in and around Chattisgarh flock the shrine during the navratris of Kavar (during Dashera) and Chaitra (during Ramnavmi). During these navratris melas (fair) are organised in the premises of the temple, which run 24 hours. Many companies and organisations display their product during this mela. The added tourist attraction is the ropeway. It is the only passenger ropeway in the state of Chhattisgarh.

Temple Timings on Weekdays - 4.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
1.00 p.m. to 10.30 p.m..
on Saturdays - 5.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. & Sundays .
During Navratri - 24 Hours.
Bhilai Mahila Mahavidyalaya Sector - 9, Bhilai
Chatholic Church Durg
Ganga Maiya Mandir
Hindi Bhawan Durg
Income Tax Office Durg
Jama Masjid Sector - 6, Bhilai
Jhalmala Mandir
Kendriya Vidyalaya Durg
Kila Mandir Dhamdha
Maa Chandi Mandir Durg
Civic Centre Bhilai
Nehru Art Gallery Civic Centre
Nagpura Tirth
CHHATTISGARH is a relatively new State, but it has quite a few inherent advantages that will be major factors in its industrial progress; foremost among them is its huge reserve of mineral deposits. The main objective of the new industrial policy of the State is to derive maximum value from these resources and create jobs by setting up industries in all the districts.

The State government has realised that Chhattisgarh can become a "developed State" only if its industrial growth rate increases substantially and that can only happen when there is a favourable environment for investment. Hence, attempts are on to make the administration investor-friendly and to provide the necessary infrastructure.

Special importance is given to private sector participation as well as industrial development in the backward regions. Entrepreneurs from the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes are encouraged to participate in the process of industrial development. Some of the thrust industries identified by the State are - automobile and auto components manufacturing units, medicinal, aromatic and dye plants, engineering, food processing, downstream products based on aluminium, information technology and bio-technology, food processing and electronic consumer products and pharmaceuticals.

The industrial sector contributes around 30 per cent of the State's gross domestic product (GDP). Quite a few industrial units have been set up. These include seven large cement plants with installed capacities of 12 million tonnes per annum; 23 sponge iron units with a capacity of 22 lakh tonnes; 99 steel re-rolling mills with a capacity of 12.7 lakh tonnes and 16 ferro-alloy units with a capacity of 2.1 lakh tonnes. Of these, 30 re-rolling mills and 13 ferro-alloy units, which were closed, have re-commenced production in the past three years.

Bharat Aluminium Company (Balco) has plans to increase production capacity from the present 1 lakh tonnes to 4 lakh tonnes, with an investment of around Rs.6,000 crores. Apart from these large- and medium-scale industries which employ more than 230,000 people, the small-scale sector also provides substantial job opportunities. The State commands the top position in sponge iron production, at over 50 lakh tonnes a year. The annual production of aluminium has increased in a very short time from 1 lakh tonnes to 3.45 lakh tonnes.

Government Engineering College Bilaspur is situated on the Korba Road, amidst the peaceful and natural region of Koni village in Bilaspur, Chattisgarh.Government Engineering College Bilaspur has been approved by All India council for Technical Education, AICTE, New Delhi and affiliated to the Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Chattisgarh.
Bilaspur C.G. State, established under Central University Ordinance 2009, No. 3 of 2009. Formerly called Guru Ghasidas University (GGU), established by an Act of the State Legislative Assembly,was formally inaugurated on June 16, 1983. GGU is an active member of the Association of Indian Universities and Association of Commonwealth Universities.
The Chhattisgarh High Court is one of the newest High Courts in India. It was established on 2000-11-01 after the Madhya Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2000 was passed. It has jurisdiction over the state of Chhattisgarh. High Court of Bilaspur is the 19th High Court of India.
Ratanpur was once the capital of Chhattisgarh. It is situated about 25 km from Bilaspur on the Katghora Road. As per the belief of the locals, the place Ratanpur was important in all the 4 yugs (ages) of Hinduism - Sat yug, Treta yug, Dwaapar yug and Kal yug. Temples of Ratanpur, Bilaspur attract tourists from far and wide places. Ratanpur is a holy land and one of the most important holy places in Bilaspur.
Talagram - famous for Deorani-Jethani Temple with a huge statue. Bilaspur also has few enchantingly beautiful dams, which are also popular picnic spots of the region. Kutha Ghat, Belpan and Khadia Dam are most famous among them.
Nighttime view of splendid Arjuna's Rath (Chariot) at Civic Center, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh state, India.
Ram Tekri in Bilaspur has derived its name from the Ram-Janaki mandir with its splendid granite statues of Lord Ram, Sita and Lord Hanuman. Maratha king Shivaji Rao Bhonsle was the one who built this temple.It has immense historical as well as archaeological importance.It is just at a distance of 3 km from Ratanpur and can be reached as the road is motorable but a bit steep as well that makes the journey quite exciting.

Indravati National Park

Indravati National Park is the finest and most famous wildlife parks of Chhattisgarh. Also the only Tiger Reserve in the state, Indravati National Park is located in Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh. The Park derives its name from the Indravati River, which flows from east to west and forms the northern boundary of the reserve with the Indian state of Maharashtra. With a total area of approximately 2799.08 sq km, Indravati attained the status of a National Park in 1981 and a Tiger Reserve in 1983 under the famous Project Tiger of India to become one of the most famous tiger reserves of India. The topography of the Park mainly comprises of undulating hilly terrain with altitude ranging between 177 to 599 m above the sea level. The Park is famous for its unique and diverse wildlife and bird species including some of the most endangered species such as Wild Buffalos and Hill Mynas. A series of beautiful hill ranges with lush green vegetation and unique and varied wildlife make Indravati National Park a must visit for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers.

Best Season to Visit - Indravati National Park
The best season to visit the Park is from 15th December to 15th June.

How to Reach - Indravati National Park

Indravati National Park is easily approachable from Jagdalpur, the district head quarter of Bastar. The village Kutrue, the main entry point of the park, is situated at the distance of 22.4 km north of Jagdalpur- Bhopalpattanam road. The Kutrue link road is at the distance of 145.6 km from Jagdalpur. Raipur (486 km) is the nearest airport and Jagdalpur (168 km) is the nearest railhead from the Indravati National Park.

Tirathgarh falls are located approximately 38km from Jagdalpur in Bastar district. The water falls from a height of 100 feet on a river which originates in a lake not very far away from this point. The lake is locally known as Pool. The surroundings are pristine and covered with thick vegetation.

Located in the eastern border of Chhattisgarh is Raigarh a beautiful place blessed by nature. Endowed with lush green forests, swift rivers and enchanting waterfalls, Raigarh is fast turning into a major tourist attraction of Chhattisgarh Destination India Tourism offers to take you to this beautiful tourist destination with its Raigarh Tours in Chhatisgarh, India.

Ram Jharna a natural water source where lord Ram seems to have drank water is a fascinating picnic spot in the area.Gomarda reserve forest is a natural home for many wild species like tigers, beer etc.

You can also visit various temples like Gaurishanker Mandir, Banjari Temple and Chandrashani Temple in this district of Chhattisgarh state.

Kamala Nehru Park, Haritima and Indira Vihar are some of the beautiful parks to see in Raigarh.

Chakradhar Samaroh a musical festival is held here in the memory of great king and musician Maharaja Chakradhar.

Raigarh is well known for Dhokra casting. It is an art of producing metal ware by the process of hot wax casting. Raigarh is also a producer of Silk and mainly produce two types of silk-Tasar and Mulberry silk. People here have their own units and produce saris made of Kosa silk for export.

Places to see in and around Chhattisgarh:

Ram Jharna
Gomarda Reserve Forest
Chakradhar Samaroh
Gaurishanker Mandir
Chandrashani Mandir
Kamala Nehru Park
Talagram etc.

NTPC Limited (Formerly National Thermal Power Corporation) is the largest power generation company in India.Forbes Global 2000 for 2009 ranked it 317th [1]in the world. It is an Indian public sector company listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange although at present the Government of India holds 89.5% of its equity. It was founded on November 7, 1975.
NTPC's core business is engineering, construction and operation of power generating plants and providing consultancy to power utilities in India and abroad.

NTPC’s share at 31 Mar 2001 of the total installed capacity of the country was 24.51% and it generated 29.68% of the power of the country in 2008-09. Every fourth home in India is lit by NTPC. 170.88BU of electricity was produced by its stations in the financial year 2005-2006. The Net Profit after Tax on March 31, 2006 was INR 58,202 million. Net Profit after Tax for the quarter ended June 30, 2006 was INR 15528 million, which is 18.65% more than for the same quarter in the previous financial year. 2005).

Pursuant to a special resolution passed by the Shareholders at the Company’s Annual General Meeting on September 23, 2005 and the approval of the Central Government under section 21 of the Companies Act, 1956, the name of the Company "National Thermal Power Corporation Limited" has been changed to "NTPC Limited" with effect from October 28, 2005. The primary reason for this is the company's foray into hydro and nuclear based power generation along with backward integration by coal mining.

Chhattisgarh has excellent power evacuation infrastructure. It can transport and sell power to deficit areas in any part of India. CSEB levies minimal wheeling charges. The State has 44% forest cover; even so, Chhattisgarh Environment Protection Board pursues proactive policies so that power generation is environmentally sustainable. An added reason for investing in Chhattisgarh’s power generation sector is our prograssive power policy, that allows third party sales to buyers outside the State, with or without wheeling from CSEB. This also overcomes the usual escrow/guarantee bottleneck.

CSEB is one of few profit making State Electricity Boards. Power Sector Reforms are underway in Chhattisgarh. The user-pays regime has been adopted. There is no free power in the State. Subsidies, where applicable, are targeted. The process of Tariff rationalization is on. A hundred percent Electronic Metering project has been started.

We see Chhattisgarh emerging as the Power Hub of India - we have the capacity to cover half the demand-supply gap in the entire country, and have already tied up over 5000 MW of power generation in one year alone.

Bharat Aluminium Co. Ltd. (BALCO) is complying with applicable Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Assessment (OHSAS) certification rules and regulations, and seeks to provide a safe and environment friendly work atmosphere.

The company has taken steps towards conservation of raw materials, water and energy and wherever possible, recycles water and reduces waste. BALCO is committed to environment protection and minimizing health hazards.

BALCO has a gas cleaning and cryolite regeneration plant to minimize emission of gases since inception. It has mud ponds for disposal of red mud generated from Bauxite. Electrostatic precipitator is provided to check emission of solid particles into the atmospheres

Jindal Power Limited, subsidiary of JSPL, has set up a 1000 MW O P Jindal Super Thermal Power Plant at Raigarh, with an investment of over Rs. 4500 crore. The last unit was commissioned in the first week of September, 2008.

JPL has planned more hydro & thermal power projects and has an aggressive blueprint to increase domestic Power production to help in contributing towards achieving Govt.of India's goal of "affordable power for all by 2012". JPL has signed an MOU for setting up 2520 MW plant with an investment of over Rs.11, 340 crore in Chhattisgarh and 2640 MW with an investment of over Rs.11, 880 crore in Jharkhand.

JSPL has acquired the development rights for 20 billion tonnes of EL Mutun Iron Ore Reserves in Bolivia , South America. It plans to invest US $2.1 billion in the next few years for mining and setting up of an integrated 1.7 MT Steel Plant, 450 MW Power Plant, 6 MT Sponge Iron and 10 MT Iron Ore Pellet Plant. The project will generate gainful employment for thousands of people and catalyze economic growth for the Republic of Bolivia. This is the largest investment by an Indian company in Latin America and also the largest foreign investment in a single project in Bolivia.

Shivrinarayan will surely come among the religiously important Chattisgarh Cities and Towns. Only sixty-five Kilometers from Bilaspur City, Shivrinarayan Town has strong historical and mythological connections. It falls within the Jangjir and Champa District of the state.

According to the census of 2001, the town of Shivrinarayan has a population of more than eight thousand.Shivrinarayan in Chattisgarh has quite a good sex ratio with forty eight percent females and fifty two percent males. The literacy rate of Shivrinarayan is more than the national average. With a male literacy rate of seventy three percent and female literacy rate pf fifty three percent, the town has an average of sixty three percent literacy rate.

There is mention of the town's name in the great Indian epic, Ramayana. It is believed that while passing through theShivrinarayan area, King Rama savored the delicious 'Ber' - a type of berry. The ancient temples of the region attract thousand of visitors and tourists every year. Two of the most frequented temples in the area are the Chandrachudeswar Temple and the Narayan Temple. Another exciting temple is the Shivrinarayan Temple, which is situated at the meeting point of the sacred Mahanadi River and Shivnath River. This temple has emerged as a great tourist destination for its religious value and scenic beauty.

The nearest airport from Shivrinarayan is the Raipur Airport. It is also well connected with Bilaspur via frequent bus service and other road transports. The Bilaspur Railway Station is the nearest one.

Rani Dah is a picturesque waterfalls, located about 12 km from Jashpur Nagar, in Jashpur District of Chhattisgarh. It is noted for its scenic surroundings comprising dense forest and hills. The highlight is a water pool.
Buddha Temple, Mainpat, Surguja, Chhattisgarh: Mainpat is called the `Shimla of Surguja`. Tibetians, the chief residents of this rehabilitation centre run small industries of designer mats (Kalin) and woolen cloths. For facilitation of their worship, they have constructed a Buddha Temple. They are followers of the Dalai Lama, who have changed the atmosphere of Mainpat to a humanitarian one. This particular Buddha Temple is built in the lines the Buddha Viharas (from Tibet).

Lafagarh is situated around 70 kms away from Korba(Chhattisgarh).

Lafagarh Fort, located on the highest peak of Mekaal Mountain,it is situated at a height of 3060 height on the hill top.The fort lies on the Korba-Bilaspur road. It was constructed by Raja Pratwidev First.

The fort has three main entrances which are named as Menaka, Humkara, and Sinhadwar.A small temple, situated at the main entrance of the fort, is noteworthy. Another point of attraction is the big dome supported by five rows of pillars with each row having five pillars. The main outer door of the fort is called Jhandi or Dinda door. The second door is popularly known as Manka Dawar whereas the third one is called Hukhra Dawar.
Around 29 km's South of Bilaspur in Chhattisgarh (India) there are ruins of two temples popularly known as Devrani and Jethani on the banks of the river Maniyari at Tala or Talagaon. Fragmented sculptures lie scattered all around. During the site clearance operations, (although it is named so but factually it was a large scale excavation carried out around the temple ruins) very many huge sculptures, most of them broken, were recovered from under the soil. The complex looked like a grave yard of sculptures. Amongst them one was unique in the sense it defied all attempts to identify it with anything known so far.

sculptures are not made mindlessly. Normally they are supposed to conform to the Shilpa Sastra and the characters are from various mythological beliefs. The one we are talking about, which got christened as Rudra Shiva, does not fit into the framework of known characters. The intricacy of carvings encountered at Tala (Bilaspur) is superb. The ruined structures are massive. Scholars have so far failed to associate them with any of the known art forms viz. Gandhara, Mathura and so on. The period being 6th century AD, one would be tempted to assume that the temple and the art associated with it are derivatives of the Guptan style at its zenith still quite distinctly different. The closest match could be the ruins at Sisdevri of Baloda Bazaar Tahsil in Raipur District of Chhattisgarh.

Devrani Temple Ruins
Although it is very difficult not to talk of very many other features which lend grace to every thing there, we need to confine ourselves to the mystical execution of the so called Rudra Shiva alone for which this post is intended. If one looks at the huge sculpture which is almost 8 feet in height and weighs more than 5 tonnes, it would appear as if it is a massively built demon with emphasis on muscular strength. The sculptor seems to have used every conceivable creature to energize and to form part of its anatomy; serpent seems to have been a favorite. One may even feel as if evolution of life on earth is taken as a theme for this creation. Coming to its various bodily parts, we may perhaps start from top progressively going down.
Jethani Temple Ruins

Two snakes make the head dress. They are tied around like a turban and the hoods crossing each other to give a bow like impression. Two serpent hoods are found above each shoulder. We do not know where the tails rest. The ears are adorned by Peacocks. The nose is made of a descending lizard and so are the eye brows. Eyelashes are either in the pattern of an open mouth of a frog or the mouth of a roaring lion. The upper lip and moustaches are made of two fishes while the lower lips and chin are shaped like a crab. Crocodiles have been depicted as shoulders and both the hands look like coming out of its mouth. Seven human heads are engraved in various parts of the body. Of these a pair of small heads may be seen in either side of the chest. A bigger face forms the abdomen. These three faces have moustaches. Each thigh consists of a pair of heads of which two smiling faces are carved on the front side, while the other two are carved on both sides. Heads of lion are depicted on each knee. The waist band is also designed like a snake and the finger tips on both the arms end with snake heads. The genital organ (Penis) is made of head and neck of a tortoise. Two bell-like testicles are designed as forelimbs of the same animal. A snake is also shown entwining the left leg. Probably the legs are also formed like that of an Elephant but it is not very clear due to the bottom being broken.
At the time of the discovery of this massive idol, it was found lying in a 10 x 4 trench (on the front right of Devrani temple) which was laid out with stone slabs at the bottom. Some mud was poured into it before the sculpture was put down with head downwards and later on filled with soil. There appears to have been a deliberate attempt to bury it under the soil and not due to any accidental fall as otherwise the sculpture could have been found broken. At least the head could not have sustained the fall. Why then this marvelous sculpture was discarded. The only plausible reason seems to be that it was no longer required. Even today we find many construction sites displaying a demon like head to ward off evil eyes. This sculpture too could have been created for a like purpose and when the construction of the temple got completed, this evil catcher was consigned to the grave. A senior archaeologist is of the opinion that there would have been two such sculptures and the second one still remains to be discovered.


यह सरगुजा के एतिहासिक स्थलो में सबसे प्राचिन है। यह अम्बिकापुर- बिलासपुर मार्ग में स्थित है। इसे रामगिरि भी कहा जाता है, रामगढ पर्वत HAT (टोपी) की सकल का है। रामगढ भगवान राम एवं महाकवि कालीदास से सम्बन्धित होने के कारण सोध का केन्द्र बना हुआ है । एक प्राचीन मान्यता के अनुसार भगवान राम भाइ ल्क्ष्मण ओर पत्नी सीता के साथ वनवास काल मे निवास किए थे यहीं पर राम के तापस वेस के कारण जोगी मारा, सीता के नाम पर सीता बेंगरगा एवं ल्क्ष्मण के नाम पर ल्क्ष्मण गुफा भी स्थित है ।

संस्कृत विद्वान रामगढ को महाकवि कालीदास की रामगढ की पहाडी बताते है जहां उन्होने बैठकर अपनी कृति मेघदुत की रचना की थी। कालीदास ने मेघदुत मे रामगढ के पहाडी के बारे मे जैसा लिखा है उसकी रुप रेखा आज भी दिख पडता है यहां पर विश्व की प्राचींनतम गुफा नाट्य शाला स्थित है इसे रामगढ नाटय शाला कहा जाता है।

सरगुजा जिलें के धार्मिक स्थल

महामाया मन्दिर



पारदेश्वर शिव मंदिर



महामाया मन्दिर

अम्बिकापुर शहर

सरगुजा जिले के मुख्यालय अम्बिकापुर के पूर्वी पहाडी पर प्राचिन महामाया देवी का मंदिर स्थित है। इन्ही महामाया या अम्बिका देवी के नाम पर जिला मुख्यालय का नामकरण अम्बिकापुर हुआ। एक मान्यता के अनुसार अम्बिकापुर स्थित महामाया मन्दिर में महामाया देवी का धड स्थित है इनका सिर बिलासपुर जिले के रतनपुर के महामाया मन्दिर में है। इस मन्दिर का निर्माण महामाया रघुनाथ शरण सिहं देव ने कराया था। चैत्र व शारदीय नवरात्र में विशेष रूप अनगिनत भक्त इस मंदिर में जाकर पूजा अर्चना करते है।


अम्बिकापुर शहर

अम्बिकापुर नगर के उतर-पूर्व छोर पर तकिया ग्राम स्थित है इसी ग्राम में बाबा मुराद शाह, बाबा मुहम्मद शाह और उन्ही के पैर की ओर एक छोटी मजार उनके तोते की है यहां पर सभी धर्म के एवं सम्प्रदाय के लोग एक जुट होते हैं मजार पर चादर चढाते हैं और मन्नते मांगते है बाबा मुरादशाह अपने "मुराद" शाह नाम के अनुसार सबकी मुरादे पूरी करते हैं। इसी मजार के पास ही एक देवी का भी स्थान है इस प्रकार इस स्थान पर हिन्दू देवी देवता और मजार का एक ही स्थान पर होना धार्मिक एवं सामाजिक समन्वय का जीवंत उदाहरण है।


अम्बिकापुर -> सुरजपुर -> भैयाथान ->ओडगी रोड-> कुदरगढ

कुदरगढ सरगुजा जिले के भैयाथान के निकट एक पहाडी के शिखर पर स्थित है। यहां पर भगवती देवी का एक प्रसिद्ध मंदिर है, इस मंदिर के निकट तालाबों और एक किले का खंडहर है कहा जाता है कि यह किला विन्ध क्षेत्र के राजा बुलन्द का है कुदरगढ मे रामनवमीं के अवसर पर भारी भीड रहती है और इस समय यहां विशाल मेला लगता है ।

पारदेश्वर शिव मंदिर

अम्बिकापुर -> प्रतापपुर-> बनखेता-> पारदेश्वर शिव मंदिर

पारदेश्वर शिव मंदिर प्रतापपुर विकास खण्ड् से डेढ किमी. दक्षिण की ओर बनखेता में मिशन स्कूल के निकट नदी किनारे स्थापित है। इस शिव मंदिर में लगभग 21 किलो शुद्ध पारे की एक मात्र अनोखी "पारद शिवलिंग" स्थापित है।


अम्बिकापुर -> प्रतापपुर-> शिवपुर

अम्बिकापुर से प्रतापपुर की दूरी 45 किमी. है। प्रतापपुर से 04 किमी. दूरी पर शिवपुर ग्राम के पास एक पहाडी की तलहटी में अत्यंत मनोरम प्राकृतिक वातावरण में एक प्राचीन शिव मंदिर है। इस पहाडी से एक जलस्त्रोत झरने के रुप में प्रवाहित होता है। यह झरना शिव लिंग पर गंगाधारा के रुप में प्रवाहित होता हुआ नीचे की ओर बहता है। इस मनोरम दृश्य को देखकर आध्यात्मिक आनंद की अनुभूति होती है। इसे लोक शिवपुर तुर्रा भी कहते हैं। यह स्थान पवित्र माना जाता है एवं जन सामान्य द्वारा पूजित है। यहां पर महाशिव रात्रि पर मेला लगता है। शिवपुर तुर्रा को 1992में शासन द्वारा संरक्षित घोषित किया गया है।


अम्बिकापुर -> लखनपुर-> देवगढ

अम्बिकापुर से लखंनपुर 28 किमी. की दूरी पर है एवं लखंनपुर से 10 किमी. की दूरी पर देवगढ स्थित है। देवगढ प्राचीन काल में ऋषि यमदग्नि की साधना स्थलि रही है। इस शिवलिंग के मध्यभाग पर शक्ति स्वरुप पार्वती जी नारी रुप में अंकित है। इस शिवलिंग को शास्त्रो में अर्द्ध नारीश्वर की उपाधि दी गई है। इसे गौरी शंकर मंदिर भी कहते है। देवगढ में रेणुका नदी के किनारे एकाद्श रुद्ध मंदिरों के भग्नावशेष बिखरे पडे है। देवगढ में गोल्फी मठ की संरचना शैव संप्रदाय से संबंधित मानी जाती है । इसके दर्शनीय स्थल, मंदिरो के भग्नावशेष, गौरी शंकर मंदिर, आयताकार भूगत शैली शिव मंदिर, गोल्फी मठ, पुरातात्विक कलात्मक मूर्तियां एवं प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य है।

सरगुजा जिलें के दर्शनीय स्थल

पुरातात्विक स्थल



कंदरी प्राचीन मंदिर


सीता लेखनी




< < दर्शनीय स्थल


अम्बिकापुर -> लखनपुर-> उदयपुर -> रामगढ

यह सरगुजा के एतिहासिक स्थलो में सबसे प्राचिन है। यह अम्बिकापुर- बिलासपुर मार्ग में स्थित है। इसे रामगिरि भी कहा जाता है।


अम्बिकापुर-> उदयपुर->केदमा मार्ग़-> महेशपुर-> लक्ष्मणगढ

अम्बिकापुर से 40 किमी. की दूरी पर लक्ष्मणगढ स्थित है। यह स्थान अम्बिकापुर - बिलासपुर मार्ग पर महेशपुर से 03 किमी. की दूरी पर है। ऐसा माना जाता है कि इसका नाम वनवास काल में श्री लक्ष्मण जी के ठहरने के कारण पडा। य़ह स्थान रामगढ के निकट ही स्थित है। यहां के दर्शनीय स्थल शिवलिंग(लगभग 2 फिट), कमल पुष्प, गजराज सेवित लक्ष्मी जी, प्रस्तर खंड शिलापाट पर कृष्ण जन्म और प्रस्तर खंडो पर उत्कीर्ण अनेक कलाकृतिय़ां है।

कंदरी प्राचीन मंदिर

अम्बिकापुर -> कुसमी-> सामरी मार्ग> कंदरी

अम्बिकापुर- कुसमी- सामरी मार्ग पर 140 किमी. की दूरी पर कंदरी ग्राम स्थित है। यहां पुरातात्विक महत्व का एक विशाल प्राचीन मंदिर है। अनेक पर्वो पर यहां मेले का आयोजन होता रहता है। यहां के दर्शनीय स्थल - अष्ट्धातु की श्री राम की मूर्ति, भगवान शिव की मूर्ति, श्री गणेश की मूर्ति, श्री जगन्नथ जी की काष्ठ मूर्ति और देवी दुर्गा की पीतल की कलात्मक मूर्ति और प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य है।


अम्बिकापुर -> राजपुर->शंकरगढ-> जोकापाट -> अर्जुनगढ

अर्जुंनगढ स्थान शंकरगढ विकासखंड के जोकापाट के बीहड जंगल में स्थित है। यहां प्राचीन कीले का भग्नावेष दिखाई पड्ता है। एक स्थान पर प्राचीन लंबी ईंटो का घेराव है। इस स्थान के नीचे गहरी खाई है, जहां से एक झरना बहता है। किवदंती है कि पहले एक सिद्धपुरूष का निवास था। इस पहाडी क्षेत्र मे एक गुफा है जिसे धिरिया लता गुफा के नाम से जाना जाता है। अर्जुनगढ मे प्राचीन पुरातात्विक पुरातात्विक महत्व के अवशेष आज भी देखनें को मिलते हैं।

सीता लेखनी

अम्बिकापुर -> सुरजपुर-> महुली->सीता लेखनी

सुरजपुर तहसील के ग्राम महुली के पास एक पहाडी पर शैल चित्रों के साथ ही साथ अस्पष्ट शंख लिपि की भी जानकारी मिली है। ग्रामीण जनता इस प्राचीनतम लिपि को "सीता लेखनी" कहती है।


अम्बिकापुर -> राजपुर->शंकरगढ-> कुसमी रोड -> डिपाडीह

डिपाडीह कनहर,सूर्या तथा गलफुला नदियों के संगम के किनारे बसा हुआ है। यह चारों ओर पहाडियों से घिरा मनोरम स्थान है। यहां चार पांच किलोमीटर के क्षेत्रफल में कई मन्दिरों के टिले है। मान्यता के अनुसार यहां पर आठ्वी शताब्दी में स्थापित कई मूर्तियां है उसमें प्रमुख रूप से भगवान शिव एवं देवी की मूर्तियां मिली है। ऐसा भी माना जाता है कि यह नौवीं शताब्दी में शैव सम्प्रदाय का साधना स्थल रहा होगा।


अम्बिकापुर -> उदयपुर->केदमा मार्ग़-> महेशपुर

महेश्पुर, उदयपुर से उत्तरी दिशा में 08 किमी. की दूरी पर स्थित है। उदयपुर से केदमा मार्ग पर जाना पड्ता है। इसके दर्शनीय स्थल प्राचीन शिव मंदिर (दसवीं शताब्दी), छेरिका देउर के विष्णु मंदिर (10वीं शताब्दी), तीर्थकर वृषभ नाथ प्रतीमा (8वीं शताब्दी), सिंहासन पर विराजमन तपस्वी, भगवान विष्णु-लक्ष्मी मूर्ति, नरसिंह अवतार, हिरण्यकश्यप को चीरना, मुंड टीला (प्रहलाद को गोद मे लिए), स्कंधमाता, गंगा-जमुना की मूर्तिया, दर्पण देखती नायिका और 18 वाक्यो का शिलालेख हैं।


अम्बिकापुर -> लखनपुर->कलचा ग्राम-> सतमहला

अम्बिकापुर के दक्षिण में लखनपुर से लगभग दस कि.मी. की दूरी पर कलचा ग्राम स्थित है, यहीं पर सतमहला नामक स्थान है। यहां सात स्थानों पर भग्नावशेष है। एक मान्यता के अनुसार यहां पर प्राचिन काल में सात विशाल शिव मंदिर थे, जबकि जनजातियों के अनुसार इस स्थान पर प्राचीन काल में किसी राजा का सप्त प्रांगण महल था। यहां पर दर्शनीय स्थल शिव मंदिर, षटभुजाकार कुंआ और सूर्य प्रतिमा है।

RK Mall
Beside Hotel Piccadilly
Mahoba Bazar
Raipur West (C.G.)
Ph: 0771-4022025

Multiplex (no. Screens) With 3 Audi, sitting capacity of around 700.
Mall Timings 11 AM to 11 PM

रायपुर से १४० किमी एवं डोंगरगढ़ से ४० किमी की दूरी पर स्थित खैरागढ़ इंदिरा कला एवं संगीत विश्वविद्यालय के लिए प्रसिद्ध है | स्वाधीनता से पूर्व खैरागढ़ एक रियासत थी | खैरागढ़ की राजकुमारी इंदिरा की याद में स्थापित खैरागढ़ का इंदिरा कला एवं संगीत विश्वविद्यालय, एशिया महाद्वीप का इकलौता ऐसा विश्वविद्यालय है जो कि कला एवं संगीत को समर्पित है |
राजकुमारी इंदिरा को संगीत से बहुत लगाव था | उनकी मृत्यु के पश्चात उनके माता-पिता, राजा वीरेंद्र बहादुर सिंह एवं रानी पद्मावती देवी जो कि खैरागढ़ रियासत के भूतपूर्व नरेश भी थे, कि इच्छा थी कि राजकुमारी इंदिरा कि संगीत से लगाव कि याद अक्षुण्ण बनी रहे |
इस प्रयोजन हेतु राजा वीरेन्द्र बहादुर सिंह ने अपना राजमहल कमाल्विलास महल, संगीत महाविद्यालय की स्थापना हेतु दानस्वरूप दिया | हरे-भरे धन व कपास के खेतों के बीच में स्थित खैरागढ़, सांस्कृतिक गतिविधियों के रूप में स्थापित हुआ | इसे विश्वविद्यालय का दर्जा १९५६ में मिला | स्वतंत्रता के पश्चात् स्थापित प्रारंभिक विश्वविद्यालयों में से एक, इसका कार्यक्षेत्र सम्पूर्ण भारत में है | वर्तमान में भारत के ४६ महाविद्यालय इस विश्वविद्यालय से जुड़े हुए है | देश-विदेश से यहाँ छात्र-छात्राएं पढ़ने आते है |
विश्वविद्यालय मुख्यत: विभिन्न पारंपरिक संगीत एवं नृत्यकला की शिक्षा एवं शोधकर्ता की सुविधा प्रदान करता है | विभिन्न विषयों जैसे कि संगीत, शास्त्रीय संगीत (जिसमे हिन्दुस्तानी एवं कर्नाटक संगीत का समावेश है), भारतीय शास्त्रीय वाध्य संगीत (सितार, वायलिन, सरोद, तबला, कर्नाटक वायलिन, वीणा इत्यादि), गीत, भजन, गजल, भारतीय शास्त्रीय नृत्यकला (कत्थक, भारतनाट्यम, कथकली, कुचीपुड़ी इत्यादि), भारतीय लोक नृत्यकलाएँ एवं लोक संगीत कलाएँ, पारंपरिक मूर्तिकला, चित्रकला, माडर्न मूर्तिकला एवं चित्रकला के इतिहास पर शिक्षा के इतिहास पर शिक्षा एवं शोधकार्य प्रदान करने की सुविधा है |
विशेष विषयों में तबला पश्वध्वज एवं मृदंगम की शिक्षा, हिन्दुस्तानी ख्याल, द्रुपद, ठुमरी एवं दादरा की शिक्षा भी प्रदान की जाती है| विभिन्न पारंपरिक एवं लोक वाद्य यंत्रो से सज्जित गैलेरी इस विश्वविद्यालय का मुख्य आकर्षण है| इसके अतिरिक्त भारतीय पारंपरिक एवं आधुनिक चित्रकला, लोक चित्रकला एवं आदिवासी चित्रकला से सज्जित गैलेरी तथा पुरातात्विक संग्रह भी इस विश्वविद्यालय के अन्य आकर्षण है | यहाँ से जुडी ४३००० पुस्तकों वाला एक पुस्तकालय (लाइब्रेरी) भी है जिसमे कि इन कलाओ के ऑडियो-विडियो क्लिपों का संग्रह है |
इंदिरा कला एवं संगीत विश्वविद्यालय ने पंडित रविशंकर (सितार), रुक्मणी देवी अरुणंदले (नृत्य), अलाउद्दीनखान (सितार), लता मंगेशकर (गायन), एम.एस. सुब्बलक्ष्मी (कर्नाटक संगीत), पपुल जयकर इत्यादि को डॉक्टरेट की मानद उपाधि से सम्मानित किया है | इंदिरा कला एवं संगीत विश्वविद्यालय, कला एवं संगीत को समर्पित एक ऐसा स्थान है जो हर एक आने वाले के मन में एक अनूठी छाप छोड़ने में सफल रहती है |
गंडई :- खैरागढ़ के नजदीक ३० किमी में गंडई है जो कि भोरमदेव से सामान दूरी पर स्थित है | यहाँ पर कलचुरी कालीन १३वी शताब्दी का शिव मंदिर है | इस मंदिर का नाम देऊर मंदिर है | त्रिरथ नागर शैली में बना यह भव्य मंदिर कलचुरी कालीन वास्तु विन्यास और मूर्ति निर्माण की समृद्ध परंपरा का जीता जागता उदाहरण है | गंडई से कुछ दूरी पर घटियारी गाँव में शिव मंदिर के भग्नावशेष है | इस मंदिर में मंडप अंतराल और गर्भगृह निर्मित है | यह पंचायतन शैली का है | मंदिर से प्राप्त नटराज की अष्टभुजी मूर्ति अत्यंत आकर्षक है | इसके अतिरिक्त अंधकासुर वध मूर्ति एवं चतुर्भुजी शिव प्रतिमा भी आकर्षक है | घटियारी के समीप कटंगी गाँव में भी १२वी शताब्दी का शिव मंदिर है जहाँ एक भव्य शिव प्रतिमा मिली है |

Gadiya Mountain ,KankerThe Gadiya Mountain came into light at the time of Kandra dynasty. When the Kandra king Dharma Dev won the Kanker. He declared his capital on Gadhiya Mountain, which is a natural form of a fort. On the mountain there is a tank which never dries and fulfill by water throughout the year. One part of this tank is called as Sonai and the other part of this tank is called as Rupai. Actually Sonai and Rupai were the two daughters of Kandra king Dharma Dev. On the southern part of this tank there is a cave named Churi pagar. The entry of this cave is very much narrow. On any outer attack the King and his family lived safe in this cave. The space of the cave is able to sit 500 peoples inside. The exit door of this cave is towards west direction. In the south east part of Gadhiya mountain there is an other cave called Jogi cave. The length of this cave is 50 meters. In ancient time a lot of monks lives here alone time to time for there meditation. there is a small pond this cave. the water of this cave flows on the rock like a water fall. On the bottom of Gadhiya mountain the Doodh river flows. On Maha Shivratri there is a small festival celebrated on this mountain. On that day thousand of people climb on the mountain. Now there is a concrete leader available for climbing on the mountain.

Charre-Marre Water fall

This is an other beautiful water fall situated in Kanker district. This water fall is situated 17 kilometers away from Antagarh a block of kanker district. There is a place named Charre-Marre on the way from Antagarh to Aamabera. The water fall produces by the river named Jogidahara which flows in Matla valley. The height of this water fall is 16 meters. The slop of this water fall is jig jag. Without viewing this water fall the traveling of any tourist can not be considered full. for entertainment and picnic this place is so ideal. There is no problem in reaching on this spot.

Malanjhkudum Water fall

Towards South direction and 15 kilometers away form Kanker, there is a small mountain. On this mountain there is a spot named Neele Gondi from where the doodh river takes its shape. After crossing the 10 kilometers length of mountaineer path there is a place named as Malanjhkudum from where the river produces three water falls, the heights of these water falls are 10 meters. 15 meters and 9 meters respectively. The slope of this water fall is like a leader. The waves of this water fall is very attractive and challenging. This spot is very good for traveling. This water fall is very popular in students, teachers, leaders and artists and officers. this is a ideal place for picnic. The road is available to reach this spot.

Shivani Temple

This temple is situated in Kanker city. This temple is called Shivani Maa temple. The statue of goddess is excellent. According to a myth this Goddess is a combination of two Goddess name Kali Maa and Durga Maa. The vertically half part of goddess Kali and the remaining half part is of goddess Durga. This type of statue is only two in numbers in whole world. One is in Kolkata and the another is in Kanker. In this temple the Navratri festival celebrated warmly. the people of all religions have faith in this temple.

Kanger Ghati National Park

The magnificent wildlife reserves and parks of Chhattisgarh are a major crowd puller. The government of Chhattisgarh is trying to preserve the parks and reserves of this state for a healthy eco system and retain the ecological balance in the animal kingdom.. Protecting these habitats as well as preserving the existing wildlife sanctuaries is a major concern for the ecological security of our country. The Kanger Ghati National Park in Chhattisgarh bears a living testimony to the helping hands that have been forwarded by the Indian environmentalists and avid animal lovers alike. If you are considering a tour to Chhattisgarh be sure to include this exciting National Park in your travel itinerary.

Kanger Ghati National Park

Located in the Bastar district near the Kholaba river Kanger Ghati National Park provides you much more than Wildlife in Chhattisgar. The Kailash caves, the Kutamsar caves and the Dandak caves provide ample scope to the tourists for exploring this dense terrain. The park came into being in 1982. It is named after the Kanger River which flows near the Park. This 200 square kilometer National park starts from Tirathgarh waterfall and ends near the Kolab River in the Orissa border. The park is divided into two ranges- Kotamsar and Koleng which is again divided into different compartments.

The caves and the natural vegetation of the place support a wide variety of wildlife population. For instance the Kotamsar cave shelters fish. A wide variety of snakes like python, cobra, karait, dhaman, flying snake, thrives in the grasslands of the Park. Kanger Ghati National Park also has a rich variety of avian life with eagle, woodpecker, owl, red jungle fowl, peacock, and kingfisher. The whole place is a study in myriad colors. The Eastern part of the Park abounds in wild Gaurs. This part of the park is less visited by humans and tourists as it is steeper and denser.

TEMPLES and sculptures are a part of culture of Chhattisgarh, as much as Teejan Bai's Pandvani. Some of the remarkable temples of India are situated here.

One of the most important temple complexes stands in a place called the Prayag of Chhattisgarh. Rajim, the temple town, has earned this sobriquet because it is located near the confluence of three rivers Pairi, Sondur and the Mahanadi. Though most temple towns are infamous for the bullying pandits but surprisingly there are no pujaris or pandits here unlike at Hardwar, Puri and Kalighat.

The town a number of temples dedicated to various deities. These temples belong to different eras; most of them were either constructed in the 8th century or the 14th century AD. Of these the most famous is the Rajiv Lochan temple complex, built in the 8th century. This temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. There are intricate stone carvings all around the complex a reflection of the art that flourished in the post-Gupta period, in the region. There are many remarkable similarities in the construction and sculptures at temples here with those at Khajuraho and Konark.

The beautiful sculptures of Vamana, Trivikrama, and Narasimha are quite impressive to the eye. The massive doorframe has a sleeping figure of Vishnu placed, with his attendants surrounding him, on its lintel. It is perhaps one of the most exquisite doorways in the world.

Life-size figures of amorous couples, flower bearers and decorate the pillars supporting the mandapamof the Ramachandra Temple, which stands next to the Rajiv Lochan temple. Jewellery pieces and hairstyles are painstakingly detailed on most statues. The trends of ancient days can be studied on the sculptures scattered around the temple complex.

The temple has many small temples inside the complex, including Rajim Telin Bhaktin Mata Mandir, Sri Jagannath mandir, Lord Shiva temple, etc.

According to an ancient lore, a woman, who made her living by selling oil, decided to build a temple for lord Vishnu but she was worried that none would visit a temple made by a telin. But lord Vishnu assured her that her temple would be the first one in the complex and everyone would have to cross it to visit the Rajiv Lochan temple, which was more opulent.

Rajiv Lochan temple has several unique features. Unlike other temples in the country only kshatriyaswere employed as pujaris. The idol of the temple deity, Lord Vishnu, is made in beautiful black granite and attired in unstitched garments. The turban on the idol is woven by a family that has done so for many generations. Interestingly, idol of lord Vishnu at the Rajiv Lochan temple is dressed up differently during the day to represent different phases of life. He is dressed like a child in the morning, a youth in the afternoon and as an old man in the evening.

Another legend about Rajim is that it is situated on a lotus and is also known as Panchkashi as it has five shivalingams in the different temples. Every full moon night there is some celebration or other at the temple complex. Devotees carry a gigantic pole decorated with colourful ribbons and festoons. Accompanied by loud beating of drums and pipes they carry it the bank of the rivers and plant it on the hot sands. This is called the "madai" that announces the beginning of a festive fair.

On a tiny island, right in the midst of the converging rivers there is the ninth century Kuleshwar temple. It is said that the temple becomes unapproachable during the monsoon when the rivers are in spate.

As hundreds of devotees queue up for darshan, drumbeats reverberate from one end of the bank where some people are dancing. Festivities and revelry are part of worship in this Prayag of Chhattisgarh as Rajim, the town that has been named after Rajim telin, is also known as.

Located in Raipur district of Chhattisgarh, Udanti Wildlife Sanctuary is a small but an important wildlife sanctuary in the region. Established in 1983 under Wildlife Protection Act of 1972, the sanctuary covers an area of approximately 232 sq km. the topography of the sanctuary comprises of broken mass of land traversed by innumerable hill ranges intercepted by stripes of plains. The beautiful sanctuary derives its name from the Udanti River flowing from the west to east covering major part of the sanctuary. Udanti Wildlife Sanctuary is famous for its population of the endangered Wild Buffalos. For their survival and growth many steps have been taken by the forest department officials. A large number of man-made tanks have been constructed all across the width and length of the sanctuary. On Udanti Wildlife Tour you can see this amazing animal among a wide variety of animals and birds.

Flora and Fauna - Udanti Wildlife Sanctuary

The flora in Udanti Wildlife Sanctuary chiefly comprises of Tropical Dry Peninsular Sal forests and Southern Tropical Dry Deciduous Mixed Forests. Major flora in the sanctuary comprises of Teak, Sal, Salai, Bamboo, Mahul, Semal, Mahua, Aonwla, Tendu, Harra and Ber among others. The wildlife found in Udanti Sanctuary include Wild Buffalos, Panthers, Tigers, Chital, Four-horned Antelopes, Chinkara, Black Buck, Sambar, Nilgai, Jungle cat, Barking Deer, Sloth bear, Gaur, Wild dog, Porcupine, Monkey, Jackals, Bison, Striped Hyena, Fox, Cobras, Pythons etc. The sanctuary also has a sizable population of birds with prominent being the Parrots, Bulbul, Peafowl, Racket-tailed Drongos, Egrets, Heron, Magpie robin, Lesser whistling Teal, Pintail, Rollers and Herons to name few. A visit to Udanti sanctuary promises to be an exciting and unforgettable experience for all wildlife enthusiasts, bird watchers and nature lovers.

Best Time to Visit - Udanti Wildlife Sanctuary
The best time to visit the Udanti Wildlife Sanctuary is November-June.

How to Reach - Udanti Wildlife Sanctuary

The Sanctuary is at a distance of about 160 km from state capital Raipur which is also the nearest airport. Rajim (115 Kms) is the nearest railhead and the nearest bus stand from the Udanti Sanctuary. The Sanctuary is easily approachable through the Raipur-Rajim-Gariaband-Mainpur-Deobhog PWD all weather road.

Located in Dhamtari district of Chhattisgarh, Sitanadi Wildlife Sanctuary is one of the most famous and important wildlife sanctuaries in central India. Established in 1974 under Wildlife Protection Act of 1972, the sanctuary covers an area of approximately 556 sq km, comprising of highly undulating and hilly terrain with altitudes ranging between 327-736 mts. The beautiful sanctuary derives its name from the Sitanadi River that originates in the middle of sanctuary and joins Mahanadi River near Deokhut. Sitanadi Wildlife Sanctuary is known for its lush green flora and rich and unique and diverse fauna and has great potential to emerge as one of the finest wildlife destinations in central India.

Flora and Fauna - Sitanadi Wildlife Sanctuary

The flora in Sitanadi Wildlife Sanctuary chiefly comprises of moist peninsular Sal, Teak and Bamboo forests. Other major plants in the sanctuary include Semal, Mahua, Harra, Ber and Tendu. The rich and lush vegetation cover supports a wide variety of wildlife in the sanctuary. The major wildlife found in Sitanadi Sanctuary include Tigers, Leopards, Flying Squirrels, Jackals, Four-horned Antelopes, Chinkara, Black Buck, Jungle Cat, Barking Deer, Porcupine, Monkey, Bison, Striped Hyena, Sloth Bear, Wild Dogs, Chital, Sambar, Nilgai, Gaur, Muntjac, Wild Boar, Cobra, Python among many others. The sanctuary also has a sizable bird population with prominent being the Parrots, Bulbul, Peafowl, Pheasant, Crimson Breasted Barbet, Teetar, Tree Pie, Racket-tailed Drongos, Egrets, and Herons to name few. Sitanadi Sanctuary is also being prepared to develop it as an important tiger sanctuary in the region. A visit to Sitanadi sanctuary promises to be an exciting and unforgettable experience for all wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers.

Best Time to Visit - Sitanadi Wildlife Sanctuary
The best time to visit the Sitanadi Wildlife Sanctuary is November-June.

How to Reach - Sitanadi Wildlife Sanctuary

The sanctuary is at a distance of about 173 km from state capital Raipur which is also the nearest airport. Dhamtari Railway Station (95km) is the nearest railhead from Sitanadi Sanctuary. The place is easily approachable through the Raipur-Deobhog State Highway.

Sanjay National Park (Ghasi Das National Park)

Located in Surguja and Koriya districts of Chhattisgarh, Sanjay National Park is one of the most important wildlife sanctuaries in central India. Also known as Ghasi Das National Park (in Chhattisgarh), the sanctuary is famous for its rich and diverse flora and fauna and attained the status of a National Park in 1981. Sanjay National Park covers an area of approximately 2,303 sq km and is well drained by a number of rivers, rivulets and other perennial sources of water, providing enough water supply for the for the wildlife and birds. Sanjay National Park houses a wide variety of wildlife and birds including some of the rare and endangered species and has great potential to emerge as one of the finest wildlife destinations in central India.

Flora and Fauna - Sanjay National Park

The flora in Sanjay National Park chiefly comprises of mixed forests dominated with Sal and extensive patches of Bamboo forests. Other major plants in the sanctuary include Salai, Dhawada (Anogeissus latifolia), Palas (Butea monosperma), Gurajan (Lania choromendelica), Semal, Mahua, Harra, Haldu, Ber and Tendu. The rich and diverse vegetation supports a wide variety of wildlife in the Park. The major wildlife found in Sanjay National Park includes Tigers, Leopards, Chital, Nilgai, Chinkara, Jackals, Sambar, Four-horned Antelopes, Jungle Cat, Barking Deer, Porcupine, Monkey, Bison, Striped Hyena, Sloth Bear, Wild Dogs, Wild Pigs, Cobra, Monitor Lizards, Python to name a few. Sanjay National Park is also a little paradise for bird lovers and houses wide varieties of avian population with prominent being the Parrots, Peacock, Bulbul, Minivets Orioles, Wagtails, Munias, Blue Kingfisher, Phakta, Ducks, Neelkanth Pigeon, Dabchick, Peafowl, Crimson Breasted Barbet, Teetar, Tree Pie, Racket-tailed Drongos, Egrets, and Herons to name few. A visit to Sanjay National Park promises to be an exciting and rewarding experience for all wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers.

Best Time to Visit - Sanjay National Park
The best time to visit the Sanjay National Park is November-June.

How to Reach - Sanjay National Park

The Park is located on the Riva - Sidhi - Mirjapur - Varanasi State highway and is at a distance of about 60 km from Sidhi district of Madhya Pradesh, the main entry point to the park. One can approach the park from Sidhi via villages Majholi-Chaparadol then finally at entry point near the village Dubari Vastua, 60 Km. from Sidhi. Jaora Railway Station (20 km) is the nearest railhead from Sanjay National Park.

Located in northern part of Mahasamund district of Chhattisgarh, Barnawapara Wildlife Sanctuary is one of the finest and important wildlife sanctuaries in the region. Established in 1976 under Wildlife Protection Act of 1972, the sanctuary is relatively a small one covering an area of only 245 sq km. the topography of the region comprises of flat and hilly terrain with altitudes ranging between 265-400 mts. The Barnawapara Wildlife Sanctuary is known for its lush green vegetations and unique wildlife.

Flora and Fauna - Barnawapara Wildlife Sanctuary

The flora of Barnawapara Wildlife Sanctuary chiefly comprises of tropical dry deciduous forest with Teak, Sal, Bamboo and Terminalia being the prominent trees. Other major plants found in the sanctuary include Semal, Mahua, Ber and Tendu. The rich and lush vegetation cover supports a wide variety of wildlife in the sanctuary. The major wildlife of the Barnawapara Sanctuary include Tigers, Sloth Bear, Flying Squirrels, Jackals, Four-horned Antelopes, Leopards, Chinkara, Black Buck, Jungle Cat, Barking Deer, Porcupine, Monkey, Bison, Striped Hyena, Wild Dogs, Chital, Sambar, Nilgai, Gaur, Muntjac, Wild Boar, Cobra, Python to name a few. The sanctuary also has a sizable bird population with prominent being the Parrots, Bulbul, White-rumped Vultures, Green Avadavat, Lesser Kestrels, Peafowl, Wood Peckers, Racket-tailed Drongos, Egrets, and Herons to name few. Barnawapara wildlife sanctuary tour promises to be an exciting and rewarding experience for all wildlife enthusiasts, bird lovers and nature lovers.

Best Time to Visit - Barnawapara Wildlife Sanctuary
The best time to visit the Barnawapara Wildlife Sanctuary is November-June.

How to Reach - Barnawapara Wildlife Sanctuary

The nearest airport from the sanctuary is Raipur (85 km). Mahasamund Railway Station (60 km) is the nearest railhead from the Barnawapara Sanctuary. The place is easily approachable through the PWD forest road, which connects Barnawapara with Raipur via Patewa and with Pithora on NH 6.
Barnawapara Wildlife Count: Tiger - 08, Leopard -50, Gaur - 563, Sambar - 207, Wild boar - 286, Sloth bear - 132, Nilgai - 158, Chital - 4,287.

छतीसगढ के कबीरपंथियॉ का तीर्थ स्थली दामाखेड़ा जिला रायपुर-बिलासपुर सड़क मार्ग पर सिमगा से 10 कि.मी. कि दूरी पर एक छोटा सा ग्राम हैं यह कबीरपंथियॉ ले आस्था का छत्तीसगढ में सबसे बड़ा केंद्र माना जाता हैं कबीर साहब के सत्य, ज्ञान और मानवतवादी सिद्धांतॉ पर आधारित कबीरपंथ का दामाखेड़ा में कबीरमठ की थी स्थापना 1903 में कबीरपंथ के 12 वॅ गुरु उग्रनाम साहब ने दशहरा के शुभ अवसर पर की थी तब से दामाखेड़ा कबीर पंथियॉ के तीर्थ स्थली के रुप में प्रसिद्ध हैं